Blind Reality

I'm a low-key reality fan and since last year I've been obsessed with the Spanish version of "Married at first sight" so when I saw the blurb of this book I know I had to read it. Blind Reality was an entertaining easy read, with a great prologue that will hook you in intermediately but, unfortunately, doesn't reach its full potential. I really love the concept but as I read I felt like something was missing. First of all, this is not a standalone and I think it should have said so. It ends with a cliffhanger that while it isn't really big, it did left me feeling cold because I didn't understand that the book had actually ended there. My main problem is that I didn't feel the connection between the characters at all. I wanted to see them actually falling in love and having a conversation!!! Communication is so important for me and I just wanted to see them getting to know each other and being interested in their lives outside the reality show. I also found the reality a bit boring? The tests or whatever the were weren't that interesting and I don't know how they could be entertaining television but really that could have been ignored if it weren't because the characters and the romance fell short. I have an idea where the next book might be going and I'll be reading it because all around I enjoyed this, not just as much as I had hoped.