Blind Reality

Blind Reality

Joshua Wilson, an up-and-coming movie star, is turned off by the idea of marriage. His Oscar-winning smile and breakout role in the summer's hottest romantic comedy bring in enough attention to satisfy Joshua's cravings for the spotlight - not to mention the never-ending supply of willing women. Joey Mitchell is down in the dumps after finding out that her fiance cheated on her with her best friend, and is living at home with her parents until she can get back on her feet. Without Joey's knowledge, her overbearing and neurotic mother submits an application for her to appear on the reality show, Married Blind. When the producers surprise her with the news that they have cast her, Joey wants nothing to do with the show but agrees to participate because, at this point in her life, she really has nothing to lose. Lights, camera, action... Welcome to another season of Married Blind. Contestants are about to take the plunge, but only one couple will come out of the house winners "
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Photo of Noelia Abreu
Noelia Abreu@noelia7
3 stars
Aug 13, 2022

I'm a low-key reality fan and since last year I've been obsessed with the Spanish version of "Married at first sight" so when I saw the blurb of this book I know I had to read it. Blind Reality was an entertaining easy read, with a great prologue that will hook you in intermediately but, unfortunately, doesn't reach its full potential. I really love the concept but as I read I felt like something was missing. First of all, this is not a standalone and I think it should have said so. It ends with a cliffhanger that while it isn't really big, it did left me feeling cold because I didn't understand that the book had actually ended there. My main problem is that I didn't feel the connection between the characters at all. I wanted to see them actually falling in love and having a conversation!!! Communication is so important for me and I just wanted to see them getting to know each other and being interested in their lives outside the reality show. I also found the reality a bit boring? The tests or whatever the were weren't that interesting and I don't know how they could be entertaining television but really that could have been ignored if it weren't because the characters and the romance fell short. I have an idea where the next book might be going and I'll be reading it because all around I enjoyed this, not just as much as I had hoped.

Photo of Kristina Sanders
Kristina Sanders@ksanders013
3 stars
Oct 6, 2022
Photo of Kathleen Mullins
Kathleen Mullins@kathleenm
3 stars
Feb 15, 2022
Photo of razan
razan @razan412
2 stars
Oct 20, 2021

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