Good Girl's Guide to Murder

I actually really loved it!

honestly enjoyed this way more than i thought i would!!! it immediately drew me in, i couldn't put it down once i started. i loved the characters, and the plot kept me on my toes, even though it was slightly predictable. all in all, i really enjoyed it, can't wait to move on to the next book! 🩷

super super super fun !!!! also easy to read 🙂↕️ a must read for anyone new to reading books in english

honestly enjoyed this way more than i thought i would!!! it immediately drew me in, i couldn't put it down once i started. i loved the characters, and the plot kept me on my toes, even though it was slightly predictable. all in all, i really enjoyed it, can't wait to move on to the next book! 🩷

I'm not normally a mystery novel girlie, but I thoroughly enjoyed this. The ending wasn't one I would have put in my top three desired outcomes, but it was still a delightful twist and I definitely recommend giving it a read!

A bit slow to start, but had a satisfying ending despite there being a sequel. It was visually appealing formatting-wise.

In the end, this was a story about people and their different shades of desperation, crashing up against each other.
4.5 ⭐
This book has been on my TBR for far too long and I've heard nothing but good things about it, and now I can say, I get it - I get the hype. This was a gooooood book, I was so entertained by it, the storyline was fast paced and thrilling, and it even made me cry. For me, crying is a sign, because a book that can touch my shrivelled desensitised soul and made me feel genuine emotions is a book that has done it's job well (most of the time, there are a few caveats..). This was so close to being a 5 star read but there was just a touch of disbelief that went along with it that held it back for me, and also, I think I might be just slightly outgrowing YA because I cringed a number of times while reading this, but none of that over shadows how enjoyable this book was and how great that storyline was. I will try to write this with as little spoilers as possible, but you are warned in advance, just in case.
Firstly, Pippa is like a little energizer bunny, how she has so much energy and motivation and lack of fear is just beyond me. She's a bit of a goodie two shoes, she's the teacher's pet that we all remember from school, she knows that she can push limits and get away with things because she's always been so good. But this also comes with a level of complacency and lack of street smarts that I think made me dislike her character sometimes. She puts herself, and other people, in some really dangerous positions in this book and none of those situations really have any bad consequences except for one almost fatal incident which warps how realistic this book feels at times. She takes it upon herself to approach people with violent assault charges, drug dealers, people she thinks could be sexual abusers, even directly confronting a few people she thinks could be murderers, she charges headlong into these interactions without even thinking how it might affect her and the people she loves. She does get a few wake up calls throughout this book which was important for her to hear, but then she doesn't really learn anything from them either, so in my opinion, her character development in this situation was really lacking unfortunately.
The plot was just amazing though, it always kept me guessing. I had an idea of what had happened at the beginning, but as we are drip fed more and more information the convolution of what really happened just sweeps you along. I thought the writing was really well done because it kept me on my toes and on the edge of my seat for the majority of the book, the pacing was hitting every beat and I didn't want to put it down. If you can suspend your disbelief a bit and just enjoy the story I do think this is a must read, there are points where you're thinking "why on earth are these people admitting this to her so easily!?" that had me scratching my head a bit, but if you can overlook that then it is a lot of fun. At the beginning I wasn't thrilled with the progress log segues but in the end I didn't mind them so much, I think it was a good look into Pip's head at some points of the story, as the rest was written in third person, it added an extra layer of depth into her character.
Overall, I think this story really came together nicely and was well thought out. I've only read a couple of thriller mysteries written for older audiences in my time, but this certainly brought back nostalgia for the days when I would read Nancy Drew, Famous Five and Trixie Belden books, and it has me thinking that maybe I should dip my toes into some adult books in this genre. I will be picking up the next two in this series in the new year, and reading more by Holly Jackson in general and I'm looking forward to it a lot. I'm really glad I finally took this book off my TBR, now I can watch the TV series too - which I made my partner wait for so I could read this 😂😂

Omg omg omg. I NEVER read thrillers/mystery books but I loved this one! It's a very easy read and not too complicated (again, this is coming from someone who doesn't read mystery novels). The ending was really well done and I was honestly hooked the whole time.

A beautifully constructed novel that had me questioning who was guilty the whole entire time.

I keep saying it but the protagonist Pip reminded me a bit of Nancy Drew, and the mystery she investigates in the town of Fairview resembles the one that plagues the girls of Pretty Little Liars - which I find very exciting! And truly satisfying as a recovering PLL fan.
Honestly I don’t have much to add about this book other than the fact that I truly could not put it down!

oh. my. god. SO GOOD.

This book is so widely beloved, but I think it’s just not for me.The plot was swift moving, but the characters were only semi-developed and the ending felt clunky. Unfortunately true crime plotlines always give me the ick, and YA thriller/mysteries just aren’t gritty enough for my taste lately.

ehh… felt like a pretty little liars knock off

Hmmm. The ending was very good, and I was shocked by how things went down. However, for the first 200-ish pages, it felt like a chore to read. Nothing kept me engaged, and everything was all over the place. Once things picked up, though, it was hard to put down. Pipravi are cutesy and fun. Something sweet for the kids

was not a fan of thriller-mystery genre, but damn this book really changes me. i can follow the plot without having a hard time because the writing is digestible and i love how i can't guess the real suspect until the book reveal itself.

yes, true, isang basa mapapa i want more ka pa

I loved this book! It was a great murder mystery. There are so many twists and turns but it really does come together perfectly at the end.

I really liked this book and can't wait to read the rest of the series.

SUCH a good book for a quick read. the mystery kept me on my toes throughout, tossing my suspicions back and forth making the ending unpredictable

i've never felt this sad for finish a book. ravi singh and pippa fitz-amobi you will be loved by me forever

Wow, couldn’t put it down. Kept me guessing until the end!

I was hooked throughout the whole book. Trying to figure out what the truth was based on what was put in front of you. Pretty cool to be able to be part of this whole “research” alongside the characters. I did predict who it was at the end but there was still some twists involving others I didn’t really expect.
I’m hoping the new series can depict the mood and “interaction” as the book!


Half less of a bad thing meant there was room for half goo.
a good girl’s guide to murder
Holly Jackson

'We have to move fast, Ravi, use the minimum possible time it might have taken to kill her and dispose of her body.' 'Normal teenagers sit at home and watch TV on a Sunday' he said.

Perché metà in meno di una cosa brutta voleva dire che c’era spazio per metà di una bella.

He kissed her, and she glowed with that feeling. The one with wings.
Ooooh 🥰🥰

And there was another person behind her, sitting her up, but she was a river and couldn’t be held

‘You going around asking dangerous questions, girl you’re going to find some dangerous answers.’

' I'm rambling. It's 2 a.m . and I just are half a Toblerone, that's why.'
me frfr

I "think"
Haha... Naomi, choose your words carefully.

"Not the Sal I knew"
Rereading currently and this was already giving that Sal was really innocent from the very beginning
Was mentioned two times that he was a nice guy, but really, would a nice guy kill a girlfriend when he's already touched a lot of people's heart?

Since Pip was a littie girl, her dad had always taught her about their different experiences of the world, explaining whenever something happened: whenever someone followed him arounda shop, whenever someone questioned him for being alone with a white kid, whenever someone presumed he worked security at his office, not as the firm's partner. Pip grew up determined never to be blind to this, nor her invisible step up that she'd never had to fight for.
Teaching kids how to be self-aware about their privilege and show consideration to other people 👏🏻 parenting 101

‘I came out of the womb knowing how to do academic references.’
‘Such an interesting superpower, you should call up Marvel.’
Raaaavi bfr 😭

I've had five years to grow up and reflect on everything and when I think back to those times I don't like the person I was at all. The person I was with Andie.
‘Was she a bad friend to you?’ Pip didn't want to say too much; she needed to keep Emma talking.
‘Yes and no. It's really difficult to explain’, Emma sighed.
Andie's friendship was very destructive, but at the time, I was addicted to her. I wanted to be her. You're not going to write any of this, are you?
‘No, of course not’ Small lie.
OK. So Andie was beautiful, she was popular, she was fun. Being her friend, being someone she chose to spend her time with, it made you feel special. Wanted. And then she would flip and use the things you were most self-conscious about to cut you down and hurt you. And still we both remained by her side, waiting for the next time she would pick us up and make us feel good again. She could be amazing and awful, and you never knew which side of Andie was turning up at your door. I'm surprised my self-esteem even survived.
life imitates art huh

Cara lunged for the TV remote. ‘Rom-coms or films where boys get violently murdered?’
The only two genres that should exist

‘we’re partners in crime after all. That means partners no matter what.’
my pip & ravi 🥹🫶🏻

‘we’re partners in crime after all. That means partners no matter what.’

I’m not sure I’m the good girl I once thought I was. I’ve lost her along the way.