
So... THIS . IS . IT . TL;DR: Great art. Great story. Character development in this one. Recommended! I Started reading this at 2013... ..and I just finished it. No. It's not THAT long of a volume to read. I just read back then the first volume, put the 2nd one on Currently Reading, but never bought it. I purchased all the Sweet Tooth volumes a year ago or so? And I finally re-read vol. 1 to refresh my memory 2 days ago, and now I finished the 2nd one too. This is GOOD. Very good. I was expecting a background check on Jeppered on this one and that's what we got here.. mostly at least. I hate flashbacks, in general, but it was so nicely done and such a nice page-turner to learn his story that I really liked it. The story continues of course, along with the flashbacks, and we learn more and more about Gus and his kind. Such a great artwork from Lemire. I know some may have a problem with it. But I really like his style. It's unique and very specific on expressions and with scenery that's going to show you you don't need realistically drawn stuff or details to make a beautiful landscape. Really, only some panels annoyed me a bit, at least as an artist. Example: Dude holding a gun aiming at someone and the gun starts from his chin?! While we see him from the side and see only his right arm holding it. and half the gun is behind his chin? That'd be really inconvenient and in no way someone would hold a gun to threaten someone else. But, oh well. I think that's the only thing that annoyed me, bits like that with that being the only memorable and cringe-worth. Other than that the story is so fun and has some mystery behind it which you NEED to know about what's happening. Recommended and on to the next one \o/

Holy revelations Batman! It is revealed that Jepperd has a past and maybe a heart. We find out that Gus is more than he appears to be, and his origin story - is steeped in some messed up science not some messed up Christian prophecy. Will Gus and Jepperd reunite in coming issues? Will Gus survive? I have a lot of questions.

This just keeps on getting better and better