It Devours! A Night Vale Novel

It Devours! by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor is the sequel to Welcome to Night Vale (2015). Nilanjana Sikdar a scientist who works with Carlos is investigating the giant sink holes that have started swallowing up buildings on the edge of town. Meanwhile, Darryl is trying to recruit for followers for the Church of the Smiling God. The tug of war of science and faith might spell the end of Night Vale. 00FF99 - privileged utopia labyrinth http://pussreboots.com/blog/2020/comm...

It Devours!? Oh yeah, I've read that book.

The Night Vale world is so fun and imaginative. I love the writing as well.

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Least favorite of the Night Vale novels but still explored interesting themes.

"It Devours? Oh yeah, I've read that book! " It Devours is a book set in the world of Night Vale, and if you enjoy/enjoyed listening to the podcast, you'll most likely enjoy reading It Devours. It's just as weird and hard to describe as Welcome to Night Vale. ~4.75 stars

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The Smiling God does not know grudges. It does not understand transgression. It only knows hunger. It only devours. It is perfect that way.