
This is a wonderful collection of stories depicting Tolkien’s ability to imagine every single aspect of Middle-earth and everything it could be. The editing and notes once again show that Christopher Tolkien truly is the leading expert in his father’s work. A must read for Tolkien fans

My star rating is only for Tolkien completists like me. Even though there are passages of great beauty, I doubt casual readers of the author will be rewarded.


"Warm and eager was his spirit (and it was enhanced by the ring Narya), for he was the Enemy of Sauron, opposing the fire that devours and wastes with the fire that kindles, and succours in wanhope and distress; but his joy, and his swift wrath, were veiled in garments grey as ash, so that only those that knew him well glimpsed the flame that was within. Merry he could be, and kindly to the young and simple, and yet quick at times to sharp speech and the rebuking of folly; but he was not proud, and sought neither power nor praise, and thus far and wide he was beloved among all those that were not themselves proud." (J. R. R. Tolkien, Unfinished Tales)
A description of Gandalf and why we love him. "But he was not proud."

"And then there was the Shire-folk. I began to have a warm place in my heart for them in the Long Winter, which none of you can remember. * They were very hard put to it then: one of the worst pinches they have been in, dying of cold, and starving in the dreadful dearth that followed. But that was the time to see their courage, and their pity one for another. It was by their pity as much as by their tough uncomplaining courage that they survived. I wanted them still to survive." (J. R. R. Tolkien, Unfinished Tales)
Gandalf speaking of the hobbits.