
Kira Graceling, a private investigator, lives in Chicago. But when she stumbles across a scene that completely blows her mind, she calls for backup but in hurt during the nightmare of it all. Not knowing that it was a fight between a vampire and some ghouls. When Mencheres, finds a woman that stumbles upon him, he knows that he must do all he can to save her life, but in the process he finds that he can't read her thoughts or control or erase her memories so he takes her to his residence hoping that the blood that he gave her to heal her, will eventually run out of her system and then he will be able to erase her memories of what occured. But during all this, he finds himself revealing truths about his race that he never would rationally do otherwise, but Kira stirs something inside him, where he finds himself trusting her. However he knows that he must protect her from the danger that is close at hand, from his nemesis. But will he be able to give her up when the time comes? This is the first book that I have read from this author, and I am so glad that I did. I just fell in love with this story, it was engaging and intense, and kept me flipping the pages as fast as I could read them. Mencheres, has lived for thousands of years, and is the Master Vampire of his clan, and has suffered loss. When he saves Kira's life, his existence changes for all time. After living for so long, he knows that in his near future is his death, but after he meets her he desperately wishes for more. This was such a wonderful read, and I am definitely eager to read more from this author. This book I acquired digitally, and so it did take some time to read this, much longer than it would normally take otherwise, but I still enjoyed it and its a vampire romance that will curl your toes and speed up your heart beat and I found myself resisting the urge when I was late or too tired to put it down, I just had to keep reading more. Definitely stirs up the senses, and will blow you away with its intense plot, heated passion, and a well written read that will enthrall you.

ETERNAL KISS OF DARKNESS Hace un tiempo me propuse terminar los libros de esta hermosa saga (night huntress) y hoy finalmente he terminado. Debo decir que solo puedo amar a Frost por el gran trabajo que realizo con estos libros y que la seguire hasta el fin del mundo. En cuanto a este libro solo tengo buenos comentarios, es hermoso, la historia me atrapo por completo y la mitologia egipcia tras Mencheres me dejo enamorada. A eso sumenle lo badass que es Kira, y es un libro digno de dedicarle todo un fin de semana por leer.

I never thought of Mencheres as being hot in the Night Huntress books, but whew! He blew me away in Eternal Kiss of Darkness, although I have a thing against guys with long hair. Kira was a great heroine too. This book did not disappoint me, and was almost as amazing as the Night Huntress series.