Salvage the Bones
Enduring a hardscrabble existence as the children of alcoholic and absent parents, four siblings from a coastal Mississippi town prepare their meager stores for the arrival of Hurricane Katrina while struggling with such challenges as teen pregnancy and a dying litter of prize pups.
Clara Gauthier@cegauthier
Arie P@ariesweets
Heather Margaret@heatherdarling
Jeannette Ordas@kickpleat
Amy Thibodeau@amythibodeau
Janice Hopper@archergal
Emma Friedheim@emrosemary
Melody Izard@mizard
Summer Stanley@sgs
Daryl Houston@dllh
Heather Ellis@thelitarchive
Nicholas Hertz@nhertz
gabrielle v@mariposa222
Jenna Hynek@jennahynek
Daniel Bower@danielbower
kayla @kayellng
Megan Daigle@megand
Francine Corry@booknblues
Melissa Railey@melrailey
Hardy Clervil@hcler
Will Vunderink@willvunderink
Clara Gauthier@cegauthier
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Clara Gauthier@cegauthier
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