The Shaping of Middle-Earth

The Shaping of Middle-Earth The Quenta, the Ambarkanta and the Annals : Together with the Earliest 'Silmarillion' and the First Map

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Photo of Nona G
Nona G@nonabgo
4 stars
Oct 26, 2021

The Shaping of Middle-Earth takes us - again - at the beginning of things, with Ambarkanta and the earliest versions of Silmarillion and the Annals. It's one more proof of the complexity and the immense work behind Tolkien's mythology, from the exile of the Noldoli until Melkor's overthrow. At times, the story gets confusing due to the countless name changing, so it's not an easy read. But I would recommend it to the Tolkien geeks who want to keep track of the chronology of the earliest events and the birth of Middle-Earth.

Photo of Kimberly Burgess
Kimberly Burgess @fernweh_and_haven
4 stars
Sep 27, 2022
Photo of Nona G
Nona G@nonabgo
4 stars
Oct 26, 2021
Photo of Şeyma Çelik
Şeyma Çelik@mythcrowned
5 stars
Sep 24, 2021