Jon Konrath is back with He, a collection of 100 intertwined micro-fictions. The flash fragments of raw emotion each begin with the titular word "he," and descend in every possible direction, with great absurdity and hilarity. In an apocalyptic world filled with sex, violence, the macabre, UFOs, Mariah Carey belly-button-fetish videos, NyQuil jello shots, and beer-battered, deep-fried Lunchables, Jon Konrath's fiction stands out for its complete lack of restraint, taste, and human decency. Drifting through a nonlinear journey of torment, confusion, and laugh-out-loud lunacy, each story's narrator presents a capsule of their deranged life, filled with darkness, humor, emotion, and pain. He challenges our identity of who we are in the modern world of disillusionment, within a unique landscape escaping genre that can only be described as Konrathian. The extreme inappropriateness and humor provide a view of our emotions and ourselves. Both hilarious and dark, the experimental form of He is a bizarre mixture of insanity, emotion, and ridiculousness.