Dangerous Deception

3 Stars There was one glaring issue for me in this book. While it is written in the same style as its predecessor (multiple POV's and flashbacks) rather than the third-person flashbacks we see in book 1, this book had first-person flashbacks. That may not seem like a huge deal to most people, but for me, it took me straight out of the story every time. I don't mind switching point of views as far as characters go, but from third to first to third again is just a giant headache for me. The plot wasn't as great, this book is basically half the size of every book from the caster chronicles and it doesn't really end with a definitive ending despite the fact the authors have stated they have no desire to continue writing this series. The thing that made me love the Caster Chronicles and to even want to read this follow up series ws the relationship dynamic between Ridley and Link. And for me, because we only see them on about four pages together throughout this entire book, it just completely fell flat for me. I didn't hate it, but it just didn't have anything really special about it.

** spoiler alert ** Where do I even begin with this book? I guess I have a love-hate relationship with the sequel to Dangerous Creatures. The book starts off exactly where the first one left off and Ridley is missing. We soon find ourselves in a tri-perspective (I guess that's what you'd call it when it's three POVs?) between Link, Ridley, and Nox. The two males are trying to search for the siren. In the meantime, Ridley is locked up and definitely not the girl we've become accustomed to. She's weak until she's experimented on and becomes a new type of caster altogether. In a way, she's worse than how she was at the beginning of Beautiful Creatures - more vindictive - and definitely not the same girl who loves Link. I was a little disappointed about the ending to this one. It seemed rather underwhelming compared to how they've been building up Ridley and Link since Beautiful Creatures. I look forward to where this will lead the two and whether Ridley will go back to how she was before. She had become a better person throughout the series and spin-off and now it almost seems like they went backwards with her character?