
Check out this and my other reviews at My Blog, Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Pinterest ★Book Basics★ Genre : - Cont. Romance Series : - Stand Alone Love triangle? - (view spoiler)[No (hide spoiler)] Cheating? - (view spoiler)[No (hide spoiler)] HEA? - (view spoiler)[Yes (hide spoiler)] Would I read more by this author/or in this series? - Maybe Rating - 3 ★Review★ You know, I had been so looking forward to this maybe too much and it was never going to live up to the expectation? Who knows? But, it ended up being an ok read. But just an ok read. We get very very little POV form the heroine so most of our impression of her is from the hero, who starts the book very angry and bitter toward the heroine. We see nothing of them as a happy couple before, and they have been together for 14 years! The lack of a heroine POV made her quite an unsympathetic character. But as I read, it felt like the heroine just did not matter. Very little POV, and then only a cpl paragraphs here and there, the hero is ALL about HIS dream and how it was THEIR dream and they were both working towards HIS dream. It took till after 30% before we are even told what the heroine did for a living, it felt as if she mattered so little. Then the hero gets all surprised that she has wanted to be a teacher for years, since what had been her wish clearly for having children had been put off. He has been with this woman for 14 years! And yet seemed surprised she had dreams of her own that did not revolve around his career. Even going so far as telling her repeatedly, she did not need to work and even with her telling him she wanted to, he kept telling her she did not need to. So, with the heroine coming across a bit like a spoiled brat, and the hero angry and bitter, the heroine and any wishes or dreams seeming inconsequential, I was sort of thinking these 2 should just call it a day and move on. At one point the hero thinks "Everything doesn't have to revolve around me, the shop, or tattoos" And I was like... All in, I did end up liking it, and being happy for them I suppose. 3 stars, which tbh, it may well be probably more like 2, but as I said above, maybe my eager anticipation led to me being more disappointed than I otherwise would have been.