Let it Snow
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Let it Snow Three Holiday Romances

Christmas magic, blossoming romances, and unexpected friendships are intertwined in this collection of three holiday-inspired tales for young adult readers. Original.
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Photo of chloe rae
chloe rae@heychloerae
4 stars
Feb 14, 2024

I LOVED this. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It was the perfect book to read right before Christmas! It was full of love and sweetness and UGH, it just left me feeling wonderful. I thought all of the stories were woven together really well and it was just so fun to read. I flew through it. If you need some holiday spirit, pick this up!

Photo of Annika Arguemore
Annika Arguemore@arguemore
2 stars
Jan 14, 2024

Somewhere between 2 and 2.5 stars. What was wrong about this book was that it didn't have build-up. I mean, I guess it did but it was the kind of build-up that sucked. According to a friend on twitter, as it progresses, it worsens. The first story was amazing and honest and really heartfelt. It mostly shows the best of human nature and how much good humanity has left to offer. It was quirky and hilarious in all the right ways. I just didn't want it to end. But it did. I guess all good stories have to. The next story was alright. It was tolerable. It was the standard John Green plot which I have already encountered lots of times when I read his novels. I mean, I love John Green. He's one of my favorite authors out there. His writing is amazing. He knows how and when to incorporate mind-blowing thoughts, paradoxes, what-have-you into what he writes that it just blows you away. But there comes a point when you get tired of hearing the same story all over and over again. I mean, I didn't get tired of reading the same old plot all over and over again because there were certain deviations, certain quirks that were instilled within the story. But this story, this story didn't have that very much and that disappointed me. I'm sorry, John Green, but I still love you and your writing. The last story, now don't get me started on this one, was horrible. It was like the baby sister of all the novels with annoying "heroines" in them. The character's POV was just so mind-numbingly irritating that it made me want to put the book down and never pick it up ever again which I did. I guess I will be picking this book up again but only for this reason, the first story.

Photo of Lily
1 star
Jan 9, 2024

pick me ass main characters

Photo of Nina Verhaaff
Nina Verhaaff @nina2501
2 stars
Nov 15, 2023

It’s not bad The book give you a little bit of holiday vibes there were some good jokes in it too and some puns. Also some references to things I really like. It does give out the snowy vibes. 3 stories all around people, who later on kinda intertwine with each other. Let is snow was a pretty quick read and went quick through the pages. The first story started off good with jubilee the main character of the first story. I did liked her, the story that was created for her and how the little story went on. The second story written by John green. I didn’t love as much. I hoped to like his story but I didn’t. It had one or two good ish jokes and that was it. The story wasn’t really the thing I expected it to be and didn’t satisfy me. The third story could be scrapped for what its worth I didn’t like the last story at all. How it all ended left me unhappy. The last chapter wasn’t necessary and it was left off so oddly.

Photo of Denaiir
2 stars
Oct 3, 2023

I really didn't enjoy that book and it was so disappointing! I love cute Christmas stories, I love new beginnings, and I wanted to love this. But none of the characters were really engaging unfortunately. The first story was just meh, the second one was extremely boring and I had to skim-read it, and the third one was again meh. The only thing I loved was when one character was in another story, that was fun

Photo of Lauren Grey
Lauren Grey@literarywallflower
2 stars
Aug 20, 2023

This book was so incredibly bad. Like horrible, awful, and terrible all mixed into one. For being written by such amazing young adult writers, it really was a shame. I was really excited to get it and actually read a book about the time of year it actually was and of course I can’t go wrong with romance, but I was mistaken. You can go very wrong and I did. Let me start off with saying that I am not a John Green fan. Sure, I read The Fault in Our Stars and enjoyed it, but that doesn’t make up for the fact that I don’t think he is as witty or talented as other teenagers I know. But I was willing to have an open mind. This book was so dull and boring that I finished two other books between the time when I started and finished this book. The stories did gradually get better. The first one took me weeks to get through even though they were each about 150 pages. The second story was decent, but needed more. There just wasn’t much depth. I actually did like the third story and I read it in a day. The third story was the best out of all of them. I liked how she tied up all of the stories at the end and it made me happy how it ended up. I also felt that the characters she created were more real than just quirky teens that sounded good on paper. Honestly though this book was a huge let-down. Not at all what I was expecting and I thought it could have been better.

Photo of Briar's Reviews
Briar's Reviews@briarsreviews
4 stars
Jul 31, 2023

I bought this book WAY back in 2012 when it came out. WAY back meaning I can't believe it sat on my shelf for this long with me staring at it and debating whether I should read it or not. I finally decided to pick it up for two main reasons: A) It's almost Christmas time and I wanted some holiday cheer. B) Apparently there's a movie adaption? And, I kinda want to see it. It's important to read the books first so I can thoroughly ruin the movie for myself and anyone I attend it with. I was pleasantly surprised by this book: I have read most of John Green's novels so I knew what I was in for with his reading but I had never read anything by Maureen Johnson or Lauren Myracle. And, let me say, I will definitely be reading more by Maureen Johnson in the future. Her story was the absolute best in this little trio of stories. John Green's was okay (it was definitely not TFIOS, but who was expecting it to be?) and Lauren Myracle's was a little weaker than Ringo Blue's (clap and a half for those who understand the reference). Maureen's was a beautifully crafted little love story that made my heart warm and grow like the Grinch's. John's story was a continuation that felt like the weaker sequel and Lauren's felt like a middle grade addition to a YA series. All of the stories were beautifully written, but Maureen's was for my type of reader. My friend was absolutely obsessed with Lauren's, so it's definitely a personal choice on which story you'll like more. It's another one of those anthologies you come for one author and you discover another. The Jubilee Express is Mauren's lovely addition. Jubilee (who some people call Julie, but Jubilee is way cooler and yes it's a type of party) gets stuck on a train when her parents are arrested for fighting over a Christmas village (is Jubilee my own child? This sounds like something I am going to do in my adult future, just saying). She meets a man on the train who she befriends (who will later be featured in story #3) and then finds her way through the city. She meets a boy (because it's a romance novel, so obviously she's gotta have a love interest) and they fall into a pond and almost freeze to death (drama alert!). She stays at the boy's home (said boy's name is Stuart, why am I still calling him the boy?) and meets his Mother and little sister. The boy (I've committed, no turning back now) has an ex and it ended badly, all the while Jubilee has an dumb-face boyfriend who deserves a good dumping. The two then kiss and it's romantic and ooey gooey. It's a YA romance gallore! A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle by Paul Orange (again, I've committed to this pun so it's time to rock and roll) continues the previous story with different characters. 3 previously unknown characters are watching James Bond movies. Introduce our two key characters: Tobin and Angie (also known as The Duke). Turns out these two kinda have crushes on each other, and as the three characters try to make it to a breakfast joint to meet cheerleaders, they realize this. It was cute, but not as addicting as the first novel. It was almost... predictable. I wasn't entirely sure where Maureen's was headed, but John's story screamed FRIENDZONE ALERT all over the place. The Patron Saint of Pigs by Lauren Myracle is what took me the longest to get through. In one day I flew through the first two stories, but then along came this story. Another continuation, but... different. It had a different tone than the previous two. I did not enjoy the lead character, I did love the pig and I felt bad for Jeb because he deserves someone who's more considerate than his current girl, Addie. Like... dude, you almost lost your friend's pig. That's cruel. This book was packed full of the middle grade drama I don't miss from back in the day. Lauren's writing was still absolutely beautiful, but this story was not for me. I was kinda sad this book ended on this specific story because it felt like the weakest for me. Overall, I did enjoy this book and I would love to read some more Christmas-y YA love stories. I also highly recommend Maureen now because OMG she's good. Four out of five stars!!

Photo of Arjo Gupto
Arjo Gupto@arjo
5 stars
Apr 8, 2023

I loved this book featuring three connected and amazingly tactile love stories borne by circumstance, Christmas, complex weather and caringly well crafted bonds of human coexistence. The stories, soaked in warmth, incredibly accurate sketches of self introspection and happy endings, is the ideal bedside companion to all those whose hope for the fortunate embrace of true love, springs eternal. To those who don't know true love. this book will definitely help you feel it and to those who lost it, I truly believe we'll get to feel it again and keep hoping for happiness in this truly wonderful life. An ideal potion of human companionship and connections in this highly connected yet lonely world. Will be following the work of Mr Green, Ms Johnson and Ms Myracle religiously now.

Photo of Katherine Yang
Katherine Yang@bookwormgirl910
2 stars
Mar 13, 2023

I don't know if this gets two or three stars but I'm in a good mood so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Floofy fluffy fun, for the most part, but • sheeeesh; • the word 'giggling' has lost any positive connotation it ever held; • thanks to this book I now understand that all cheerleaders are drop-dead gorgeous vapid airheads and other protagonist girls are different and quirky and special okaY I GET IT; • at certain points it really just feels like the plot is checking itself against a list and making sure okay there's a cool relatable character unlucky in love oh no crisis hey look cute potential romantic interest oh no obstacles and miscommunication but what do you know it's a Christmas miracle hm wow look yay LOVE! • [insert GIF of a glassy-eyed smiling face melting away.] Also probably most importantly, • Lauren Myracle why; • "frustration and anguish warred with each other on his face" • is just one of many testimonies; • what's! your! point!; • even characters that were not her own were sickening. However, • John Green clearly has a lot of fun with his story and Maureen Johnson is a whole lotta laughs. Good if you're looking for a mindless few hours to burn as you curl up inside on a cold day, but probably not for much else.

Photo of Melsriana
5 stars
Jan 22, 2023

I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS NOVEL!! For me this novel is beautifully written. Each of the story is very interesting to read and connected to each other which I really love. It really describes love stories on Christmas which I really love. It's very fun to read. I just love it!

Photo of Lyric Hooey
Lyric Hooey@lyricldm
3 stars
Jan 6, 2023

The first story is my favourite of the 3. For whatever reason I read this pretty much every winter, because it's fun and easy. Yes, not amazing, hence the 3 stars. But a fast, hilarious read nonetheless. This year I read it out loud to my husband and we had a great time.

Photo of aisha
3 stars
Jan 4, 2023

Oh wow. I read this on a week long trip, so I may have not been very focused while reading this but it was enough to give me a perfect rating to give. A solid three. Good but definitely not the best. I will break it down for you. 4.0 - The Jubilee Express (by Maureen Johnson) This story is about a girl with an odd name who has a perfect boyfriend and was supposed to spend Christmas with him until something really bad happened. This story had just the right amount of oddity and had a good enough Christmas miracle. (view spoiler)[I mean, a new love for Christmas? Pretty great right? Even though your parents are in jail. (hide spoiler)] It was just a three because it was nothing too special. Special enough to become a good Christmas read, but nobody would ever want a Christmas movie about this. I liked the main character in this story, she was, well, a girl. You could tell that this is somewhat cliché but clichés do happen. Besides, it's a Christmas miracle! 3.0 - A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle (by John Green) This one is about a small group of friends who was having a James Bond marathon and was interrupted by a mission of bringing Twister to a bunch of cheerleaders. This one was a bit too unrealistic for my liking but then again, Christmas miracles! Honestly, I didn't see the conflict in this one. (view spoiler)[How many people do you know would actually drive through the biggest snowstorm in ages to see a bunch of cheerleaders practice? (hide spoiler)] I didn't feel as much love as I did in the first story. Again, you wouldn't want a Christmas movie about this. Slightly disappointed in this as I expected something special from John Green, it was special, but it was more bizarre. 2.0 - The Patron Saint of Pigs (by Lauren Myracle) This one revolves around a girl who made a mistake and ruined her own love life only to be burdened by a mission of getting a rare teacup pig in her time of grief. This one is frustrating. You can't love anyone in the story, (or at least I couldn't). Addie, the main character was so whiny throughout and it was painful to read "I made such a terrible mistake! Now my life is ruined!" She didn't think of the possibility of the weather ruining plans and decided that nobody loves her anymore. (view spoiler)[ Excuse me, but weren't you the one that decided to kiss Charlie? And dye your hair pink out of sadness? (hide spoiler)] Although the pig mission made absolutely no sense it put some humour (?) in the whole thing. The pig literally saved this story. Overall: - The writing is not a problem. Everything is quite good. - The characters were 65% of the problem. - The story lines were not the best. - It is wintery so give it a read while it's still winter. - This is definitely not that great but tolerable. As the last read of 2014, I was rather disappointed. HAPPY NEW YEARS! May 2015 be an even better reading year.

Photo of August Stone
August Stone@unfortunatecrowboy
3 stars
Dec 27, 2022

Aside from some stilted inner monologues and less compelling relationships than I remember, this holds up as the sweet, snowed-in romantic web that I remember as a teen

Photo of br
2 stars
Nov 29, 2022

Let It Snow is a series of Christmas themed short stories of three couples whose lives intertwine at the end. The Jubilee Express by Maureen Johnson: was disappointing. I don't know how kissing a stranger five minutes after you break up with your boyfriend solves the problem of you getting stuck in the middle of nowhere with your parents in prison and a blizzard blowing outside. The Cheertastic Christmas Miracle by John Green: is just so characteristically John Green, from the weirdly awesome title, to the james Bond watching, geeky boys and the ass kicking Angie. Sadly, it did not quite meet my expectations, because right from the start I knew who was getting together with who, and how, and where. Although the banter and the subplots are extremely wacky and hilarious. The Patron Saint of Pigs by Lauren Myracle: was probably my favorite. I loved the story, the characters, or more specifically Addie and how she finds it in herself to change her attitude. The story is plain and simple but adorable. Now go google teacup pigs.

Photo of br
2 stars
Nov 29, 2022

Let It Snow is a series of Christmas themed short stories of three couples whose lives intertwine at the end. The Jubilee Express by Maureen Johnson: was disappointing. I don't know how kissing a stranger five minutes after you break up with your boyfriend solves the problem of you getting stuck in the middle of nowhere with your parents in prison and a blizzard blowing outside. The Cheertastic Christmas Miracle by John Green: is just so characteristically John Green, from the weirdly awesome title, to the james Bond watching, geeky boys and the ass kicking Angie. Sadly, it did not quite meet my expectations, because right from the start I knew who was getting together with who, and how, and where. Although the banter and the subplots are extremely wacky and hilarious. The Patron Saint of Pigs by Lauren Myracle: was probably my favorite. I loved the story, the characters, or more specifically Addie and how she finds it in herself to change her attitude. The story is plain and simple but adorable. Now go google teacup pigs.

Photo of Azaura A
Azaura A@az
4 stars
Oct 31, 2022

The first one is my favorite, i think

Photo of Emelie
2 stars
Oct 31, 2022

Nope, Did not like this book either.. And it's by far the worst book from John Green, sadly enough!

Photo of Gisela Ayala
Gisela Ayala @giselasmusings
4 stars
Sep 7, 2022

I don't ever remember reading a holiday book before, but I might just have become addicted. This whole book was so sweet and really did make me believe or at least want a Christmas miracle. My favorite story was the first one, "The Jubilee Express." I adore Stuart and Jubilee, even when she got a little bit crazy towards the end. This book isn't a super deep read, but it definitely got me in holiday spirit. Thumbs up!

Photo of Taniareads
Taniareads @2taniareads2
3 stars
Aug 30, 2022

A short story to read around Christmas time. Overall I liked it, but nothing extraordinary!

Photo of Nicole Dykeman
Nicole Dykeman@holobookthief
3 stars
Aug 25, 2022

This was a pretty alright book. It definitely isn't my favorite thing ever written by Maureen, John, or Lauren, but I enjoyed in nonetheless. It was cute the way everything came together in the end, but at times in the middle I was a little bored. Maureen's part of the story was my favorite!

Photo of jess
4 stars
Aug 18, 2022

[review written 2011] I finally finished another book. Another two books, actually. The first of these was Let it Snow by authors John Green, Lauren Myracle and Maureen Johnson. Three stories, but all interlocking with each other. My personal favorites rank as follows: John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle. Green’s had the funniest story, definitely. Johnson’s was good, but I don’t really know what to make of Lauren Myracle’s– I found it hard to read, honestly. I don’t usually read romances, but this one was a pretty good one.

Photo of Charlotte
Charlotte @readwithchar
3 stars
Aug 17, 2022

A book with a weather element in the title ✔ Maureen Johnson story 3.5/5 John Green story 3.5/5 Lauren Myracle story 2/5

Photo of Delaney Woods
Delaney Woods @delaneywoods
3 stars
Aug 14, 2022

this was fun for christmas but not amazing. it was 3 stories and i definitely liked maureen johnson’s the best. i also did like how all the stories came together at the end but a lot of the characters were kinda annoying and uninteresting

Photo of Charlotte J. Ruth
Charlotte J. Ruth@charlottejruth
4 stars
Aug 12, 2022

Overall Rating: 3.5 The Jubilee Express ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Definitely my favorite out of the three. I actually found Jubilee to be a really interesting character. Although she was flawed, I felt bad that she was being taken advantage of. She didn’t deserve that. (Minor but very predictable and obvious spoiler) I really like her and Stuart together - both of their exes S U C K E D. Stubilee? Juart?? Whatever - I like it. A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle ⭐️⭐️⭐️ This rating is generous. The characters in this story sucked and were all extremely sexist and misogynistic. And John Green had the audacity to think he was being funny😑 The only reason this story gets a 3/5 is because I’m a sucker for Christmas stories - it’s my soft spot; I’m a festive bitch. Also, Angie, although she isn’t great, is my favorite character in this story, and she deserves better. The Patron Saint of Pigs ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 A lot of people say this story is forgettable, but I actually liked it. I know the whole guardian Angel thing was cheesy, but it reminded me of one of my favorite old movies, It’s a Wonderful Life. Although Addie is seriously flawed and her character development was rushed and happened out of nowhere, I still felt for her. She is a whiny bitch, but I’m glad she got her footing in the end. (SPOILER) Jeb should’ve left her after she slept with Charlie though..! She treated him horribly. You say you loved him, but you slept with Charlie?? MA’AM??