
This is so beautiful and sad at the end. Tolkien writes to his 4 children over the years as Father Christmas... and as soon as they get older the kids stop writing to him. The stories he writes and the love he shares it is really amazing. One of my favorites!

Dinlediğim ilk (büyük ihtimalle de son) audiobook çünkü sesli kitaplarda hiç takip edemiyorum neler olduğunu dikkatim dağılıyor ama buna bayıldım. Dün akşam mutfakta bir şeyler yaparken arkada podcast gibi çaldı ve oluşan atmosfer sebebiyle çok keyif aldım kendimi sanki yeniyıl için uzak akrabasından bir mektup almış da onu okuyormuş gibi hissettim. Mektuplar arası konulan melodi de çok sevimli kıldı her ne kadar bir süre sonra tekrarlı hissettirse de. Yine de çok cosy bi vibe verdiği için sevdiğim bi kitap oldu, illüstrasyon versiyonunu da buldum internetten çok tatlıymış çizimleri. Kitap olarak da okumayı isterdim.

Considering how much I love J.R.R. Tolkien's stories, I shouldn't have been so surprised by how much I loved this story ♥️

Reread December 2019: Honestly, there's nothing I have to say here except: 1) the illustrations are precious 2) tOLKIEN 3) HE WROTE THIS 4) and it's Christmas themed 5) so like . . . go read it? (yes, this is my fourth year in a row reading it & I will never stop) / / / Reread December 2018: This never fails to make me smile. My favorite Christmas read. :) / / / Reread December 2017: OKAY SO IT'S ADORABLE. And it's written by Tolkien. That's all you need to know. ;) / / / I loved this so much! *hugs book* It's definitely the best Christmas book I've read--and it will for sure be something I reread again at Christmastime. ^_^ Honestly, it reminds me so much of The Hobbit, purely because of the fun characters and humor. An instant Christmas favorite. <3

This was just a quick and wholesome Christmas read. The only other book I read by Tolkien was The Hobbit. I did enjoy it but I hope to read The Lord of the Rings next year. But if your wanting a way to get into Tolkien I’d highly suggest reading this to experience a fraction of what he does in his other books. I think it also really endears you to him as a person and shows him to be a thoughtful and caring father. Even though he only does it through these letters, Tolkien really builds a world in the North Pole with the caves, bears and goblin wars. The most difficult thing about this book was seeing his children grow up and stop writing to him. It was just so sad. Overall a great read for this time of year, can’t wait for Tolkien next year.

De ahora en adelante lo leeré para todas las navidades. Es hermoso ♥️ tierno y las ilustraciones exquisitas 🎄 tenía que ser el magnífico de Tolkien . reseña completaa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkIpq...


What is Christmas without beautiful Christmas stories? No matter how old I get, fantasy will always be my comfort through life and I will always return to Tolkien, in some form or another. There is nothing more magical than his writings! And what could be more magical than Tolkien's letters to his children, as they grew up? He is Father Christmas to them, but he is also Polar Bear and Ilbereth the elf, and tells them, year after year, stories about the North Pole and its inhabitants. The adventures are magical and humorous and include early descriptions of beings that will later be developed in the LOTR books. These letters truly showcase Tolkien's genius when it comes to inventing magical worlds. We know the Middle Earth universe as being a complex one, with multiple races, languages and alphabets. Well, these letters are not different. While simpler - after all, they are written to his children -, he still takes time and effort to create different speech styles for each of the three main characters and even showcases Arktik and Elvish alphabets. The letters are accompanied by drawings of Father Christmas' and his friends' adventures. This edition is just gorgeous, as it shows the pictures of the real letters, in Tolkien's handwriting, together with his drawings. To me, this book is perfection.

Es una ternura de libro. Realmente debe haber sido fantástico tener a Tolkien de pariente. :p

Such a sweet and adorable tradition of Tolkien to have kept up with his children over the years! The letters are filled with adventure and cheer. The illustrations are delightful and beautiful. A must for the christmas season.

This was absolutely amazing.

A delightful account of Father Christmas’ adventures told through letters to Tolkien’s children. This felt truly magical and was a lovely book to read in the build up to Christmas, made me feel very festive!