
Read for the 2020 O.W.L.s readathon ASTRONOMY: Night classes: read the majority of this book when it's dark outside This is a very short story, so it is hard to judge it. It's part of the Poison Study series, whose first book I totally adored. Can't really say the same for the next two books. I was afraid I would dislike this novella like I did the last book in the series, but it was quite different. We have here two side characters taking the stage, which I think they do well. They have quite a banter that I wasn't much a fan of at the start, but by the end they grew on me. The story was quite simple but not rushed, and it showed some fighting and some magic, too. We didn't get to see Yelena or Valek, but they weren't missed too much. It was a nice final goodbye to the series for me.

“I read his mind.” The Sitian pointed to Ari. “Yours was too…chaotic. Too many useless thoughts to wade through.” A compliment or an insult? Janco guessed compliment and preened.” I love Ari and Janco, so their bickering while having a little adventure was fun to read about. However, the novella was nothing special, just a slice of their life. While enjoyable, nothing out of the ordinary. Glad I've read it, wouldn't miss anything if I haven't.