
Basically everyone got doomed. And I also like Dionysus

idc I'm a Medea apologist

Once again, Euripides single-handedly trying to salvage women's rep in ancient Greece.

the bakkhai are so im just a girl coded, gossiping? sure, laying on the grass drinking wine all day? even better, dismembering men who try to assault them? do you even have to ask?

I like Medea more, though this was super ironic and funny. This in play form would be so good so I can see why mr Euripides won!!


“Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.”

Bloody, gruesome. Loved the unbridled feminine rage and revenge vibes. A good book to accompany you when you're going absolutely feral alone in your room.

Pentheus asking himself, the audience, a god whether he's posing correctly with his dress in front of the mirror is not an image I thought I'd be crying myself to sleep to tonight.

A good listen.

3.75/5 a fantastic translation but the introduction was a bit much

the rachel cusk adaptation

A 3 might be a little low, but after all the hell I went through in English class, I no longer like this play. My original rating would be around a 3.5

the moment agave realized what she had done........ and her being the last to know.......

euripides said fuck men! let women murder and get revenge and be insane!

“That Death will come, with his casual, careless hand, and knock them off the world. Yet we persist — in search of love, or heirs, or some brief brilliant proof that we exist — and the fruit of all this anxious love is grief.” Move aside, William. Euripides is where it’s AT. 4.5 stars.

I read this play for my History of Theatre class and I didn’t hate it but it didn’t stand out to me. Sorry Euripides!

*i did not read this exact translation, but this story by Euripides Medea was great. Her Rhesis where she tears in Jason and discusses the plights of all women was amazing and I was living for her revenge.

*i did not read this exact translation, but this story by Euripides

*i did not read this exact translation, but this story by Euripides

*i did not read this exact translation, but this story by Euripides

I've only read Medea no other stories from this book, because that's all we had to read for my English Class. Also Medea you are one extreme lady

A feminist play in a mysoginistic society it's a miracle in itself.


Una donna deve aiutare una donna

A man, when he is vexed by those at home,
goes out to ease the disquiet in his heart.
But we have only one person to look to.
And they say of us that we're never at risk,
sheltered at home, while they fight with spears.
How wrong they are: I'd rather three times over
stand behind a shield than give birth once.

Read until you are demented / your great thick books whose substance is as smoke.