The World as Light

The World as Light An Introduction to the Art of Adi Da Samraj

Adi Da Samraj's exhibition at the 52nd Biennale di Venezia (2007), Transcendental Realism, marks the first time his work is being shown to the public. The purpose of The World As Light is to provide an overview of his entire artistic oeuvre of the past forty years?accompanied by key statements he has made on his own art and on the artistic process in general. His art can be understood as an intensive investigation of the human condition?the condition of presumed existence as a ?self? in the midst of a world that is ?not-self?. Adi Da's art is meant to call into question the most basic presumptions of ordinary human life: the ?fact? of existing as an independent ?self?, the ?fact? of every ?self? being separate from every other ?self?, the ?fact? of the ?self? being separate from the world of ?everything else?. Indeed, Adi Da intends his art to communicate the profundity that is known when all presumptions of ?separateness? are relinquished.
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