Men We Reaped A Memoir
'...And then we heard the rain falling, and that was the drops of blood falling; and when we came to get the crops, it was dead men that we reaped.' Harriet TubmanIn five years, Jesmyn Ward lost five men in her life, to drugs, accidents, suicide, and the bad luck that can follow people who live in poverty, particularly black men. Dealing with these losses, one after another, made Jesmyn ask the question: why? And as she began to write about the experience of living through all the dying, she realized the truth--and it took her breath away. Her brother and her friends all died because of who they were and where they were from, because they lived with a history of racism and economic struggle that fostered drug addiction and the dissolution of family and relationships. Jesmyn says the answer was so obvious she felt stupid for not seeing it. But it nagged at her until she knew she had to write about her community, to write their stories and her own. Jesmyn grew up in poverty in rural Mississippi. She writes powerfully about the pressures this brings, on the men who can do no right and the women who stand in for family in a society where the men are often absent. She bravely tells her story, revisiting the agonizing losses of her only brother and her friends. As the sole member of her family to leave home and pursue high education, she writes about this parallel American universe with the objectivity distance provides and the intimacy of utter familiarity.

Sarah Erle@serle
I think I listened to this at the wrong time

Rachel Kwon@kwon
Well, I guess I'm just a person who cries while reading books on the subway now. This is heartbreaking and beautifully written, and offers a glimpse into the frustration that many black Americans must feel every day.

Alisha @theawardshow
Beautifully written.

Tatum Miller@tatum

Leah | @LeahsLittlePleasures@leahslittlepleasures
Devastating and heartbreaking, yet beautiful and moving. A must-read!

Sam Pulliam@dearbookshelves
Powerful and heartbreaking. I love Ward's writing and respect her rawness and honesty. Important reading.

Leonor Estrela@leonorestrela
(4.5) Chorar nos últimos capítulos e agradecimentos? This is the book for it. Estou destruída.

Abby N. Lewis@abbynlewis
Full book review available over on my blog --> https://freeairforfish.com/2021/05/10...

Francine Corry@booknblues

Simran Kalkat@simrankalkat

Gigi V@barksandvino


Lindsy Rice@lindsyrice

Cassie B@partialtruth



claire law@clairelaw

R L@ruthie313


Katie Miller@phedinkus

Gabrielle Griffiths@gabri_elle

Stephanie Cox@perstephani

Naty Corbett@daddygringa
