Mera Tidebreaker

Mera: Tidebreaker by Danielle Paige and Stephen Bryne is one of a new series of one offs of graphic novels featuring different DC characters. Mera is a princess of Xebel and she wants freedom for her people. After a set of introductory scenes involving graffiti, a ball, and an argument between father and daughter, the narrative settles into a YA "fish out of water" romance. Literally. http://pussreboots.com/blog/2019/comm...

first off, i want to thank DC Ink for sending me an early copy for review, also this is completely honest but i’ll sugar coat it. so first i’ll talk about what i did enjoy. i like the vibes of the artwork this gave me, how metas hair was the only thing that was red and vibrant and everything else was blue and similar tones, i though that was interesting and a bit eye catching. i enjoy the story behind it, mera wanting to take a stand for xebel and take the crown, i like the thought. she seems edgy and fierce, until she gets on land.. overall it was a quick read and i did have enjoyment in reading this. at first i was really excited to receive this, i loved the idea of a YA author writing for a DC comic, but was a bit disappointed by the story. it was choppy and cheesy for my liking, and i felt like the romance was just thrown in there and too forced. as for the artwork, it seemed sloppy, as i mentioned, i thought it was cool at first because mera’s hair and lips was the only vibrant thing and it was “moody ocean vibes” , but the characters faces weren’t consistent enough, not when the characters are in the shadow of far away because i understand their faces are distorted then. the story has some promise to it, i’m not sure if there will be a second volume or not but if so, i’d like to read it to see where danielle paige takes the story. will arthur finally be prince of atlantis? will he and mera reunite? what about the xebellians, will they declare war?

I really hope that they have another one after this because I need to know what happens next! I really enjoyed the story and artwork.


I enjoyed it but the ending was kind of just meh for me.

I found this to be much like the DC Icons series but focusing on a lesser known character and in Graphic Novel format. I enjoyed the story, it was an interesting take on Mera's backstory - though as with the Wonder Woman novel it took me a while to stop thinking of the film characters. Mera is a pretty fun character though perhaps more naive than expected. She latched onto Arthur pretty quickly but overall I was happy with the story.