

A new translation in hexameter verse of Ovid's narrative poem embraces more than two hundred mythical tales linked by the theme of transformation, incorporating many famed myths and legends of ancient Greece and Rome.
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Photo of Wynter
5 stars
May 4, 2023

Ovid is a naughty, naughty man. Oh, and a pretty awesome poet, that too... I think I will be reading his entire bibliography one day.

Photo of Haylie
2 stars
Dec 28, 2022

Greek mythology not only is difficult to read but it gets kind of old very quickly. The stories of how such and such character thought they were better than the gods was very tiresome by the end of Niobe. I just wish that Medea was placed in here to liven things up a bit.

Photo of Seher Mohsin
Seher Mohsin@bookstagramofmine
3 stars
Apr 30, 2022

Not as fun as I thought it would be!

Photo of Анастасия Розова
Анастасия Розова@rozova_n
3 stars
Nov 18, 2021

*Read for class. 2.75/5 This one is hard to rate... I liked the writing, it was easy to read and sort of fun, but also the topic itself is so controversial? Advice for people who are married (!) on how to seduce other people. And also, of course, on how people should look, laugh, talk and fucking walk. Fuck you, patriarchy! Other than that, if we won't take it too seriously and remember the times... It's readable. Even interesting.

Photo of Maytal
5 stars
Nov 18, 2021

I've been a fan of Greek myths since reading Edith Hamilton's Mythology when I was a kid and this was a fun revisit and also my first foray into Ovid. Metamorphoses was full of passion, comedy, and also had some truly gruesome bits that made me wince - centaur massacre, anyone? I loved feeling connected to people over 2,000 years ago and would recommend this to anyone.

Photo of Leonie
5 stars
Nov 2, 2021

I am happy to own a wonderful, leather-bound copy of this and I intended to read it as a long-term project, but instead incorporated it in my first round of the 75 Hard Challenge and read it in about 2,5 to 3 weeks. This is wonderful. It is not an easy read, it requires a bit of work by the reader to keep track of the symbols and multiple names of deities and entities, but if you are familiar with the greek mythology it might be easy for you, once you get the hang of transferring it to the roman mythology. I truly enjoyed reading the different myths and stories and it opened a whole new world of books to me, because I now am able to identify the similarities in a lot of more modern literature that is based on these works. Also, seeing the different ways to portrait the deities in greek and roman mythology and comparing it to each other was a lot of fun to me. I was lucky enough to have a friend who studied a lot of greek and roman depictions and was able to discuss with me, which added a lot more depth to my perception of this work - I'll advise anyone interested to do a buddy-read, if that is your kind of thing.

Photo of Jeni Enjaian
Jeni Enjaian@jenienjaian
3 stars
Oct 30, 2021

It's hard to write a review of a book like this. This narrative is far different than modern storytelling. Ovid wrote at a time when the primary method for conveying narrative was oral. This is patently obvious in the way that Ovid's narrative flows without end from story to story to story (and etc) introducing characters, telling a bit of their life story and quickly moving on to the next character without giving any resolution to the character that came before. It also helped to have a bit of familiarity with most of these myths. (Rick Riordan has definitely done his research. :D) Overall, this was a decent book and if one has an affinity for Greek and Roman mythology then it's a must read. Otherwise, the oral tradition tendency of the book might put off a casual reader.

Photo of Leonie
5 stars
Oct 13, 2021

Als Langzeitprojekt gedacht, wurden Ovids Metamorphosen überraschend Teil meiner 75hardchallenge und begleiteten mich so über die ersten 2,5 Wochen jeden Tag. Ich fand große Freude daran und erkannte vieles wieder, das mir vorher nicht im Zusammenhang mit anderen Teilen bekannt war und doch, sobald einmal gelesen, sehr klare Verbundenheit zeigte. Ich habe sehr viel aus diesem kleinen Projekt mitnehmen können, besitze eine wunderschöne Ausgabe und werde sie sicherlich immer wieder zur Hand nehmen.

Photo of Mirto
4 stars
Sep 22, 2023
Photo of Novel Ideas
Novel Ideas@efrali
4.5 stars
Mar 30, 2022
Photo of Lotus
5 stars
Nov 1, 2021
Photo of Jackson Weaver
Jackson Weaver@jacksonweaver
5 stars
Jul 4, 2024
Photo of lala
3 stars
Jun 3, 2024
Photo of Sherry
3 stars
Apr 22, 2024
Photo of Jim Hagan
Jim Hagan@aranyalma
5 stars
Mar 3, 2024
Photo of lily
4 stars
Feb 27, 2024
Photo of Allison Dempsey
Allison Dempsey@alliedempsey
4 stars
Feb 22, 2024
Photo of Ned Summers
Ned Summers @nedsu
5 stars
Jan 31, 2024
Photo of Ned Summers
Ned Summers @nedsu
5 stars
Jan 31, 2024
Photo of Jessica gonzalez
Jessica gonzalez@justsayjes
2 stars
Jan 11, 2024
Photo of Andréa Mellalieu
Andréa Mellalieu@dremellalieu
4 stars
Jan 3, 2024
Photo of Vanda
5 stars
Oct 16, 2023
Photo of Paula Villoria
Paula Villoria@paulavilloria
4 stars
Aug 30, 2023
Photo of cher elle
cher elle@cherxlle
5 stars
Jun 15, 2023


Photo of Seher Mohsin
Seher Mohsin@bookstagramofmine

Death will be easy to bear, since dying will cure my heartache.

Page 115
Photo of Seher Mohsin
Seher Mohsin@bookstagramofmine

For weapons he took his iron-tipped spear, his javelin and, more important than all, the courage to wield them.

Page 95
Photo of Seher Mohsin
Seher Mohsin@bookstagramofmine

You’d have known they were born of blood.

Page 13

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