Rectify Injustice
Who can turn an enemy into an ally? Sophia Beaufont hopes that she can. She just has to track down the steampunk cyborg. The problem is, Trin Currante thinks the Dragon Elite want her dead. And she's excellent at avoiding death-as her history to survive and prevail over adversity has proven. Meanwhile, Hiker still struggles to hone his powers... Regardless of his strength, Ainsley doesn't show signs of softening toward the leader of the Dragon Elite. If anything, he should fear the housekeeper might poison his next meal. While dragon eggs continue to hatch, magicians are going missing worldwide. The House of Fourteen is losing credibility with governments. Chaos is spreading around the planet. And Sophia suspects that the Saverus Corporation is behind everything. Can she uncover the truth before it's too late? Find out by scrolling up to grab your copy of Rectify Injustice

4 stars. buddy read This book definitely redeemed the last one. There was a lot of action and romance which I greatly appreciated. There were a lot of mini-bosses and missions that tied up the loose ends. In a sense, this felt like a filler book because Sophia was completing all the side missions that didn't particularly progress the plot. But, she did gain a true friend.