Michael Murphy
Skin Trade

Skin Trade

Jake Brogan, retired US Army Special Forces, is hunting for his daughter's killer. But in the course of his search, he comes across a mother whose young daughter has been kidnapped by a ring of human traffickers whose tentacles reach all the way to the corridors of power in Washington. Jake agrees to detour from his search in order to help recover the woman's daughter. It doesn't take long for him to realize that he is going up against a vicious cartel with seemingly limitless resources and a willingness to destroy anyone who gets in their way. The problem for the traffickers is that they don't realize that they have messed with the wrong person.
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Photo of Jolie
5 stars
Sep 16, 2021

Before I start my review, I would like to thank Michael K. Murphy for allowing me to review Skin Trade. **All opinions stated in this review are mine and mine alone. I received Skin Trade from Michael K. Murphy for free for my honest and unbiased review** Now onto my review: Back in February, I reviewed Deadbeat (see review here) and loved it. When I got contacted by the author to review Skintrade, I was really excited about reading it. I wasn’t disappointed. Jake was his usual badass self and was continuing his search for Donnie, his daughter and granddaughter’s killer. While he was in Nashville, he meets Heather and finds out that her daughter, Kelsey, was kidnapped by human traffickers. Jake, being his noble self, decides to look into it for Kelsey after he hears that the local cops aren’t doing squat about it. That sets in motion a series of events that just proves how badass he is. As you can tell, I have a bit of a book crush on Jake. Seriously, I do. This guy is unflippingbelievable and in my eyes, he walks on water. He is the total package for a book crush. I mean, who else can walk away from being captured by mercenaries and turn it around on them? Jake can!!! (read the book….next to the end, probably the best scene in the book). There was very little of Randy in the book but that’s OK. I dealt with it. We did get to meet Grey and Russ (and hopefully there will be more Randy in his next book!!!). The ending of the book was perfect. All I have to say is that everyone got what was coming to them. EVERYONE (stress that) got what they deserved. How many stars will I give Skintrade? 5 Why? This book was an action packed, no hold bars read right from the get go. It was a very fast read that kept me totally engrossed until the ending (and a little aggravated that Donnie is still skulking about) Will I reread? Yes Will I recommend to family and friends? Yes Age Range: Adult Why? A lot of sexual situation and a ton of violence

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