Motor Crush

Ngl I kinda like it. Quick fun read. Though I'm not enthralled or even wowed yet...

I was pleasantly surprised with Motor Crush. Domino Swift is a motorcycle racer with a secret past that even she doesn't understand. She ends up mixed up in gang races, betting ever higher stakes to try and get away from her problems. But since her problem is a strange drug that humans shouldn't be able to consume, she's pulled into ever worsening situations. Swift's world is a near-future version of ours with dystopic leanings. Hyper capitalism seems to have taken hold, and gangs run rampant as long as they don't interfere with the corporations. But hey, there are super cool bikes out there! I would appreciate a few more details about the specifics of this world as it's a bit derivative at the moment, but it's only the first volume and there's plenty of time for Fletcher to build this universe up a bit. Our protagonist is a bad ass woman of colour. She has close ties to her father and her ex-girlfriend who is her superstar mechanic. The plot is tight, but starts to unravel a bit at the end. Perhaps another issue in this arc would have helped the pacing, but it's an exciting, tense, mysterious opening that is fun to read. Really looking forward to volume 2!

I was actually a little bit weary going into this but I ended up really liking it.


CAWPILE Rating: 8.14/10

Wow. Queer lady motorcycle racing? I'm sold. The art is really great in this, and the story leaves you with enough questions to make the wait for the next volume frustrating. I'm very excited about this series.