Berlin Stories 2: Ed Broner. Vagabondage Diary

Berlin Stories 2: Ed Broner. Vagabondage Diary

Nadine Barth2018
The new series 'Berlin Stories' presents visual essays about and from Berlin?the city of art, fashion, parties, and many nations. You?ll find all genres of photography here, from classic street photography to personal sketches to staged portrait series. In a handy pocket-sized format, we?re building a whole library of images of the capital, taken by the most prominent photographers working in the city today.00Volume two plunges headlong into life: specifically, Ed Broner?s nightlife, which is presented here in a kind of photo album-cum-journal. The artist, who usually spends his time painting large, very colorful canvases, has reduced his visual vocabulary to a democratic black-and-white. The brilliant lights of clubs, their outlandish guests, other artists in their studios, eccentric old cars, nude girls, amusing graffiti?everything is equal here in this very personal narrative of sex, drugs, and rock ?n? roll, of macho guys and celebrities, and the façades of buildings and people. It is a cynical, atmospherically intoxicating commentary on the desire for and addiction to pleasure, the presentation of luxury labels, and a selfie culture in love with details.
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