
Lyric Hooey@lyricldm
After reading Firefly Lane and The Great Alone my expectations were very high for this one.... it was cute, but not quite as good as the others! Not bad. The ending left something to be desired, or rather the last quarter. But overall a quick, heart warmingish book about a woman finding herself and also romance.

Alexandria Ferley@agferley

Brooke McBride@brookeakers

Macy M@macym26

Samantha Luer @samluer

Jenna Wooten@jennawooten

Fran Lewis@franlewis


Alex King@discoberry

Madisyn Lowe@maddyowe

Kayla Bruce@caffeinatedreads

Audri Green@audri

Caitlin Baker@cbaker19

Julie Gibson@julierose

Neva Davies@booksofunknownorigin

Megan Leprich@rescues_and_reads

Katie Squires@squiggles255