On What Grounds
Clare Cosi, the manager of The Village Blend, finds a murder mystery percolating in her very own store when the assistant manager is found dead in the back and the police believe it to be an open-and-shut case of robbery, but certain clues lead Clare to believe otherwise. Original.
Sarah Sammis@pussreboots
Rachel Kanyid@mccallmekanyid
High Fidelity@highfidelity
Annalissa Powner @annalissa222
kathi @kathikaffee
Rebecca Harwood@beck
Nora @ngoldie
Jessica Deaner@jess1rph
Latitude Tamarind@geographreads
Sonja H@sonjah
Dawn Keiser@savi_15
Melissa Moore@melmoore_reader
Bee @izziewithay
Hava Jolanta Topolski@havajolanta
Lauren Stewart@laurenmicheleonline
Margaret Sh.@wasurenagusa
Milo Jean@milojean
Samantha Armstrong@kitchen_raptor
Ryan B Harvey@codeanddata
Liv Rockwell@lvrock13
Jane K@ojane
Courtney Wise@courtneyw