The Diamond Conspiracy

Okay, so there was way too much romantic crap in this one, and not enough evil shenanigans, wicked mayhem, and killing people deadly dead. Also, the too many interludes were distracting as fish and didn’t add that much to the story. Also also, the never-ending ending was a bit, um, you know, never-ending and stuff. Also also also, Meh Cliffhanger of Doom and Oblivion (MCoDaO™). BUT: ① Our Colonial Pepperpot’s full name is really truly actually Eliza DOOLITTLE Braun. And that is slightly bloody shrimping fantastic, if you ask me. That’s the spirit! ② Surprises and twists and revelations, oh my! ③ The Ministry Seven that are really the Ministry Eight. Then again maybe not. ④ Stuff like this: “I was expecting some finesse like a tranquiliser followed by a bath in sulphuric acid, or perhaps something more diabolical such as being wrapped in cloth as a living mummy and then trapped in a sarcophagus with flesh-eating scarabs.” ⑤ Speaking all frog-like, it’s a thing. ⑥ Super Extra Cool Female Assassins (SECFA™). Need I say more? Didn’t think so. ⑦ Wine, women and song vs. beer, whores and accordion music. Now that's what I call living it up! Keep-keep it on 'til the break of dawn, you Super Hot Dude of the Glorious Haircut and Super Sexey Outfit (SHDofGHaSSO™)!!! ⑧ Parasol women in tweed (don’t ask). ⑨ HG Wells is Da Bomb. And so is Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler (not the character’s real name, in case you were wondering). Because I said so and stuff. ⑩ The Jack Frost and cremation through cold. As the Thunder from Down Under’s best new pal Brandon would say: “Quite some style shown there. Nice one there, chap.” ⑪ Queen Vic is most definitely NOT amused. Which delights me to no end. Yes, this is indeed me being delighted to no end. Just so you know. ➽ Nefarious Last Words (NLW™): the best instalment in this series this book definitely is not, but quite entertaining it is and require the assistance of too many decaying grey cells it does not, so yay and stuff. · Book 1: Phoenix Rising ★★★★ · Book 2: The Janus Affair ★★★★ · Book 3: Dawn's Early Light ★★★★ · Book 5: The Ghost Rebellion ★★★★ · Book 6: Operation: Endgame ★★★★