
Angela Zeiler@gela
Cicero (106 - 43 BC) Plutarch has an interesting point of view, because he wrote the biography only 150 years after Ciceros death and could use references that were lost over the centuries. But sometimes I'm not so sure how much he exaggerates.

Seth Kalback@skalback

Seth Kalback@skalback

Joshua Line@fictionjunky

Arron Kau@arronkau

Reidar Hagtvedt@hagtvedt

Tania Santos Ferro@taniasferro

Tania Santos Ferro@taniasferro

Julia A.@brizna

Mike Hegarty@fried_hegs

Joshua Line@fictionjunky

Joshua Line@fictionjunky



Angela Zeiler@gela
He [Cicero] had consulted the god at Delphi, asking how he could gain the greatest honour, and the Pythian priestess had told him that his guide in life should be, not popular opinion, but his own nature.
Page 327
Didn't change over the millennia.