After the Shot Drops

*I got this book for review from Net galley* I really enjoyed this book. I loved how this book was told from two boys POV and how it really focused on their friendship and how it changed over the course of the novel. It was such a impactful novel and it was super hard to put down. I thought the racial elements in this book was super well done and it was handled so well. I loved how sports was used to increase tension in this novel. I was equally invested in both POVS and loved the cast of characters that populated this world. I was super impressed by this novel as well! I will def.check more stuff by this author in the future!

I found this book thought provoking. Ribay created an intricate, believable dynamic between Nasir and Bunny and between Nasir and Wallace. Ribay dealt with the real life issues that faced these boys without sensationalizing them. I will admit that a handful of times my heart crept up in my throat as I worried about things that may happen to one of the characters, an event that would have taken it down a much more sensational route. While Ribay created believable characters with Nasir and Bunny, only Wallace and Keyona of the secondary characters got enough attention to flesh them out beyond cardboard cut outs. This alone keeps me from rating this book five stars.