Writing Serial Fiction In the Real World

Writing Serial Fiction In the Real World

The reason I wrote this for you was because I couldn't find a decent ebook on Amazon for this subject. So I went out on the Internet and assembled all the research I could to see what and how this subject worked, if it did or not. Then I compared what I'd learned with what I already knew - and wrote it up for you so you could use it. You'll see in the Appendix where you can find the same mentors who helped me help you. How that will work for you is exactly as you understand what I wrote here, the authors I quoted and linked to, and as you apply this data to work for your own personal scene. I think it can be made to work, despite all the naysayers we'll encounter soon enough. It's up to you do decide whether you want to continue on and dive deep into the bottomless pool of your own creativity to surface with new ideas and applications. Our target is that tiny school of small fish called serials. Let's see how they're biting today... (From the Introduction) Get Your Copy Now.
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