Adventure Time

Adventure Time

This graphic novel not only collects the out-of-control, adventure packed third story arc, it also includes the unforgettable 'choose your own adventure' story.
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Photo of Eleanor Luhar
Eleanor Luhar@bookmarked642
4 stars
Feb 2, 2022

Just a quick review of this, as it's pretty similar to all the previous volumes. Familiar characters dominate the stories as usual, including Jake, Finn, BMO, Princess Bubblegum, Ice King, Marceline and even Lemongrab. The relationships between the characters are nice in this, especially regarding PB and Marceline. The stories are funny, weird and super enjoyable, full of humour and colour and adventure (duh). The fourth wall is, of course, practically nonexistent, as the commentary along the bottom of the pages addresses the audience directly. It really immerses you in the world of Finn and Jake, as well as adding another layer of humour. The commentary makes these comics unique from most others. The art is awesome. I still love looking through the gallery of covers at the end. The colours are so vivid and the styles are all so wonderful. It's one of the nicest comics to just look at. Of course, it is kinda childish. But it's an easy and relaxing read, and there are some very subtle jokes and comments that only older readers will understand. 4 stars. It's a really fun read, and I love all the characters so much!

Photo of Maggie Gordon
Maggie Gordon@maggieg
3 stars
Aug 13, 2022
Photo of Melissa Minshull
Melissa Minshull@mmelonish
4 stars
Nov 8, 2021

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