
Mercy Salacious Players' Club #4

Sara Cate2022
I don’t want to hurt him—I just want to punish him. ⁠ ⁠ It’s bad enough being the only female owner of the Salacious Players’ Club, but I’m also the only one without a kink, or so I thought. ⁠ ⁠ Imagine my surprise when the kink quiz suggests that I’m not so vanilla after all. ⁠ ⁠ In fact, I’m a lot more like Emerson Grant than I thought.⁠ Just one problem—I have no idea how to be a Domme.⁠ ⁠ That is, until the app matches me with someone willing to help me learn. ⁠ ⁠ He’s too young for me.⁠ Too stubborn. Too good looking. ⁠ And, oh yeah, my friend’s son.⁠ ⁠ Beau Grant is a brat. I’d hate that about him if I didn’t love punishing him so much. ⁠ Underneath all of that attitude is a man who is misunderstood, selfless, and in need of direction.⁠ ⁠ But if he wants mercy, he has to earn it. ⁠ ⁠ There are a million reasons why I should stay away, but I’m tired of doing what everyone thinks I should do.⁠ ⁠ I finally know what I want, and I’m ready to take what’s mine.⁠
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Photo of Essence
4.5 stars
Jan 28, 2025

OMG!!! I loved this book! I finished it in a day because I literally couldn’t put it down 🤭

Everything about this book was addicting, I didn’t want it to end!!!

You don’t see many books where the woman is the dominant one in the relationship and I really enjoyed seeing that dynamic .

Makes me want to see more of that. (also lets give a round of applause for the pegging scene 👏)

Idk how many books I’ve had to dnf because the writing and story was so bad that the smut couldn’t even keep me locked in but this book was written so well!!

It had a nice balance of spice and storytelling.

Very character driven with lots of personal growth.

I definitely related to Maggie A LOT. (sexually repressed girlies who like telling men what to do RISE UP)

and BEAU! MY POOKIE! I loved his brattiness but i also loved the softer and more vulnerable side of him <3

Seeing the characters not only explore and find themselves but also find love in one another as the story progressed was rewarding. 🩷

* SARA CATE YOU HAVE BEEN PROMOTED! 😆 YOU ARE NOW ONE OF MY ELITE EMPLOYEES! 🗣️ (i will be devouring all of your books soon)

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Valentina Moreno Escobar
Valentina Moreno Escobar@veemorenooo
3 stars
Mar 18, 2024

Loved the plot and how it adds to the series and develops the characters. Definitely different from other books I’ve read. Enjoyed how powerful it was.

Photo of Ray
5 stars
Jan 16, 2024

I love this book! I love the empowerment within this book! This book entangles so much of the other books with it too. It’s beyond amazing! The character growth is also phenomenal. I love this book and this series and I’m so excited to find out that there’s two more! I can’t wait to get my hands on them!

Photo of Kristin Luca
Kristin Luca@krisluca
4 stars
Jul 1, 2023

Great book ☺️ Love Sarah Cate as always - it’s bot my favorite in the series (not my fav tropes) but enjoyable and sexy. Would recommend.

Photo of cam
3 stars
Jun 29, 2023

3.5 "good boy" DOM GF X SUB BF. IT WAS FUN siempre es divertido leer a un hombre siendo patético YO QUERÍA UN EPÍLOGO EXTENDIDO DE TODOS😭

Photo of Sadie Burbank
Sadie Burbank @sadie2896
5 stars
Jan 1, 2023

** spoiler alert ** This book was absolutely amazing. I have yet to find a book wrote by Sara Cate that I haven’t liked. This one is hot and steamy. I laughed probably more than I should have. I even cried during a certain part. The CAGE though. 😍😍

Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
4 stars
Jan 1, 2023

Mercy was a book I was so highly looking forward to. What we see in this book here, is self-discovering in BDSM and the heroine being a dominatrix and the hero being naturally submissive. This was quite unique, I do love this type of dynamic, because one we just don't see this too often but we also see how the BDSM aspects of the relationship really help the hero and I was so intrigued by this one here. I will say that this wasn't quite a five-star read or even close to one. But I did enjoy seeing these two together. I also liked the way that the forbidden them was written. This is a story that is quite a page turner, I literally stayed up till 2 AM reading this book, so it was highly engrossing, but i just couldn't quite connect to certain elements in this story. I didn't quite understand why they kept their relationship a secret for so long, I mean I understood but I do think it was dragged out a bit too much. I am curious to see where this author will take the series. I wasn't a huge fan of the plot device for the big reveal of them being together. So while I understand why the author used it, I just wish that they had come clean with their family and friends earlier and been more pro active about it.

Photo of Anita
4 stars
Dec 15, 2022


Photo of Corey’s Books
Corey’s Books@coreysbooks
4.5 stars
Nov 30, 2022

Mercy - Sara Cate

4.5 ⭐️ for me.

“On her feet are black stiletto heels that I would gladly let her step on my face with. And I’d still say thank you” 🤤🔥

Photo of Katie Allard
Katie Allard@ktallard
3.5 stars
Nov 2, 2022

I truly devoured this book. It was so fun and honestly - new kink unlocked? I would rank this higher but the internal monologues became way overused and honestly repetitive. There were descriptors that I think we could have used to flesh this out a bit more. Also there were some things that didn’t make sense with the whole Maggie/Emerson dynamic once Beau was at the hospital. I know this is a romance novel, but he’s Beau’s father and Beau is literally lying in a hospital - but sure, the woman who’s been dating Beau for two months feels she deserves to see him over his father?? Just a bit weird there. But I did like how it didn’t follow the “classic” “something causes a rift between them and they breakup first” because I don’t think it would have fit the story as well and this was much better.

Photo of Andrea Rodriguez
Andrea Rodriguez@dreareads
4 stars
Sep 9, 2022

Not gonna lie, I was so not excited to read a book about Beau, but I was pleasantly surprised with how the author turned his character around for me. I really loved his growth (though I did think some of it should have happened as a separate thing from Maggie) and found his ability to be completely vulnerable and open with Maggie so endearing. I also enjoyed Maggie’s growth and watching her shake off the chains that growing up in purity culture gave her, which in turn made her feel so shameful about sex. Seeing her thrive in her new skin was absolutely beautiful. Also, their dynamic is not one that I would personally ever have any interest in irl, but reading about it was so much fun lol. Not my fav in the series, but still very much enjoyed it. So sad it’s all over!

Photo of Sven Test
Sven Test@sven-sg-test-1
4.5 stars
Aug 31, 2022

“You shouldn’t have done that,” she says, and I’m already leaning back in again as I reply. “Then punish me for it.” Sara Cate has done it again, bringing another book in the Salacious Players Club that is kinky hot, while adding vulnerability and realness to the characters. Maggie has been with the Salacious Players Club from the start; she helped start it, after all. Unlike her co-owners and friends, she never created an account in their app that lets you know the kinks you have and pairs you up with someone. After one too many drinks, the girls convince her to do it and to her shocking surprise, she gets Domme, something totally laughable because Maggie is so not a Domme... is she? There's a part of me [...] A fiercer, more confident version of myself I’ve learned to suffocate and ignore in order to play the role, get the job, not anger anyone or create any conflict. She’s clawing her way out of my psyche, and I’m too intrigued by what this new feeling promises that I can’t quiet her now. I've been intrigued by Maggie's story since we meet her in Praise. I loved how organic and original her story was, especially when it came to discovering her kinks. The author did a great job in portraying the discovery of what Maggie liked, her denial about it, to slowly gravitating her towards accepting them. And it was absolutely empowering to see Maggie embrace this side of her that she had no idea existed; at times, it would steal my breath! Maggie came to steal the show and be remembered with her story, especially with how I know this book could help so many women in discovering what they're into. Even more especially, to those who, unfortunately, have had their control taken away from them. This book shines a light in how beautiful it can be when a woman is strong, feeling empowered, and taking the reigns for what she desires and wants, and knowing that isn't selfish to do so. The first time we chatted, she seemed so shy about sex, and now look at her. Edging me to the point of pain and making me watch as she draws out her own orgasm while straddling my tortured dick. Let's enter Beau Grant! We met him in Praise as the fmc's ex boyfriend and the mmc's son. Very rarely—if ever—do we get to see the ex-bf get his own story and be redeemable. Well, as soon as Sara Cate announced that Maggie's sub was going to be her best friend's son... I think it's safe to say we all lost our cool. “You can trust me,” I argue. “I don’t understand this anymore than you, but all I know is that I want to see this through—with you.” Beau has been very vocal about his loathing for his dad's job related to kink. As a joke and to prove the app was wrong, he decided to take the kink quiz, to which his results were submissive and brat, kinks that are the complete opposite of who he is. When he matches with Maggie, they decide to get together at Salacious to prove the app is wrong. Of course, they have no idea who each other is. They keep things entirely anonymous until they're making out and his voice sounds a little too familiar to Maggie. There’s something strangely gratifying that comes with getting what you deserve. Because, once I’ve paid the price, I don’t have to live with the guilt anymore. Beau's story gripped my heart a little. As it is Sara Cate, you just know his character isn't an a-hole just because; we know there's more to him, and Maggie's the one to uncover what that entails. His pain and his guilty felt so raw and real, and it was sad to see him navigate through his emotions. Having Maggie definitely helped him in discovering himself. “I’m not perfect, by any means. But I want to be…for you.” I keep thinking there's no way Sara Cate can surprise me anymore... She keeps proving me wrong. Maggie and Beau are electrifying and explosive! Once these two come together... Just make sure to have the A/C on at full blast, get some ice, maybe also turn on the fan, and prepare to take cold showers. Maggie's demand to, "Beg for it" or "Ask nicely" mixed with Beau's "Yes, ma'am" and "Please, ma'am. Please, I'm begging you. I'll be good" ... Whew! “As far as what you’re supposed to do, don’t worry about that. I will tell you what to do. You don’t need to think or worry. Just obey.” I absolutely loved the exploration of kink between Maggie and Beau. It wasn't stereotypical for what the world thinks a Domme/sub relationship is. They decided to explore what could work for them and what wouldn't, slowly maneuvering through this new-found world to them that opened up so many possibilities. As they're so new to these kinks, seeing them find their foothold on this world and slowly becoming comfortable and even accepting this part of themselves, was truly breath-taking. And my favorite part was how everything was so safe with them, how it needed to be "safe, sane, and consensual" . Fans of Praise will be happy to see Emerson Grant and Charlie make lots of appearances in this book. I loved having them in this story, especially to see Beau navigate his relationship with his ex and his dad individually, as well as together. Let me just say that I just wanted to hug Beau so tightly! I won't say more because I don't want to spoil, but ugh! Team Beau! There's so much more I want to say because this book... THIS BOOK! But I'll just let you discover the rest. Overall, Mercy by Sara Cate is explosive and kinky hot, while also being vulnerable, filled with aching, and a beautiful journey to discover yourself. IF YOU LIKE: - Reverse Age Gap - Best Friend's Son - Kink Exploration - Vulnerable MMC - Discovering Yourself

Photo of Megan BV
Megan BV@megplantparm
4 stars
Aug 28, 2022

I’ve really enjoyed this whole series.

This book is a quick, easy read that’s sexy and kinky and full of character growth.

Photo of Joselyn
5 stars
Aug 28, 2022

minor spoiler at the end that doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the plot

I still think Give Me More is my favorite out of the series but I loved how Maggie changed Beau’s perspective and personality by being his domme. I related to the issues Maggie and Beau had regarding how they saw themselves and I cried at how they were there to comfort each other through their insecurities. I don’t know if the way Beau and Emerson repaired their father-son relationship was the healthiest but it’s the most healthy I’ve seen/read and I thought their heart to heart was beautiful.


Tears were shed. Of sadness, joy, empathy, and excitement. A great way to say goodbye to the series, but not really ;)

Photo of Miriam
5 stars
Aug 27, 2022

I didn’t think I would be into the role reversal but I really liked Maggie and Beau’s journey throughout this book. No one does plot+spice like Sara Cate, so I’m glad I read it

Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters
4.5 stars
Aug 25, 2022

“You shouldn’t have done that,” she says, and I’m already leaning back in again as I reply. “Then punish me for it.”

Sara Cate has done it again, bringing another book in the Salacious Players Club that is kinky hot, while adding vulnerability and realness to the characters.

Maggie has been with the Salacious Players Club from the start; she helped start it, after all. Unlike her co-owners and friends, she never created an account in their app that lets you know the kinks you have and pairs you up with someone. After one too many drinks, the girls convince her to do it and to her shocking surprise, she gets Domme, something totally laughable because Maggie is so not a Domme... is she?

There's a part of me [...] A fiercer, more confident version of myself I’ve learned to suffocate and ignore in order to play the role, get the job, not anger anyone or create any conflict. She’s clawing her way out of my psyche, and I’m too intrigued by what this new feeling promises that I can’t quiet her now.

I've been intrigued by Maggie's story since we meet her in Praise. I loved how organic and original her story was, especially when it came to discovering her kinks. The author did a great job in portraying the discovery of what Maggie liked, her denial about it, to slowly gravitating her towards accepting them. And it was absolutely empowering to see Maggie embrace this side of her that she had no idea existed; at times, it would steal my breath!

Maggie came to steal the show and be remembered with her story, especially with how I know this book could help so many women in discovering what they're into. Even more especially, to those who, unfortunately, have had their control taken away from them. This book shines a light in how beautiful it can be when a woman is strong, feeling empowered, and taking the reigns for what she desires and wants, and knowing that isn't selfish to do so.

The first time we chatted, she seemed so shy about sex, and now look at her. Edging me to the point of pain and making me watch as she draws out her own orgasm while straddling my tortured dick.

Let's enter Beau Grant! We met him in Praise as the fmc's ex boyfriend and the mmc's son. Very rarely—if ever—do we get to see the ex-bf get his own story and be redeemable. Well, as soon as Sara Cate announced that Maggie's sub was going to be her best friend's son... I think it's safe to say we all lost our cool.

“You can trust me,” I argue. “I don’t understand this anymore than you, but all I know is that I want to see this through—with you.”

Beau has been very vocal about his loathing for his dad's job related to kink. As a joke and to prove the app was wrong, he decided to take the kink quiz, to which his results were submissive and brat, kinks that are the complete opposite of who he is. When he matches with Maggie, they decide to get together at Salacious to prove the app is wrong. Of course, they have no idea who each other is. They keep things entirely anonymous until they're making out and his voice sounds a little too familiar to Maggie.

There’s something strangely gratifying that comes with getting what you deserve. Because, once I’ve paid the price, I don’t have to live with the guilt anymore.

Beau's story gripped my heart a little. As it is Sara Cate, you just know his character isn't an a-hole just because; we know there's more to him, and Maggie's the one to uncover what that entails. His pain and his guilty felt so raw and real, and it was sad to see him navigate through his emotions. Having Maggie definitely helped him in discovering himself.

“I’m not perfect, by any means. But I want to be…for you.”

I keep thinking there's no way Sara Cate can surprise me anymore... She keeps proving me wrong. Maggie and Beau are electrifying and explosive! Once these two come together... Just make sure to have the A/C on at full blast, get some ice, maybe also turn on the fan, and prepare to take cold showers. Maggie's demand to, "Beg for it" or "Ask nicely" mixed with Beau's "Yes, ma'am" and "Please, ma'am. Please, I'm begging you. I'll be good" ... Whew!

“As far as what you’re supposed to do, don’t worry about that. I will tell you what to do. You don’t need to think or worry. Just obey.”

I absolutely loved the exploration of kink between Maggie and Beau. It wasn't stereotypical for what the world thinks a Domme/sub relationship is. They decided to explore what could work for them and what wouldn't, slowly maneuvering through this new-found world to them that opened up so many possibilities. As they're so new to these kinks, seeing them find their foothold on this world and slowly becoming comfortable and even accepting this part of themselves, was truly breath-taking. And my favorite part was how everything was so safe with them, how it needed to be "safe, sane, and consensual" .

Fans of Praise will be happy to see Emerson Grant and Charlie make lots of appearances in this book. I loved having them in this story, especially to see Beau navigate his relationship with his ex and his dad individually, as well as together. Let me just say that I just wanted to hug Beau so tightly! I won't say more because I don't want to spoil, but ugh! Team Beau!

There's so much more I want to say because this book... THIS BOOK! But I'll just let you discover the rest. Overall, Mercy by Sara Cate is explosive and kinky hot, while also being vulnerable, filled with aching, and a beautiful journey to discover yourself.

- Reverse Age Gap
- Best Friend's Son
- Kink Exploration
- Vulnerable MMC
- Discovering Yourself

Photo of Tija
4.8 stars
Apr 2, 2024
Photo of Lia aloni
Lia aloni@llia
4.5 stars
Apr 2, 2024
Photo of Nena
5 stars
Feb 9, 2024
Photo of stephanie
stephanie @xbookishlibra
4 stars
Jan 8, 2024
Photo of Rics
5 stars
Jan 7, 2024
Photo of Kelsey Mcdaniel
Kelsey Mcdaniel@kelseyator
5 stars
Aug 20, 2023
Photo of Karlee Ketchum
Karlee Ketchum @karleek
5 stars
Aug 11, 2023
Photo of Heather
3 stars
May 21, 2023


Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

“Because I want to make you feel like a dirty slut. I want to ruin you. I’m not like you. I don’t just want to use you, Maggie. I want to hurt you while I do it.”


This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

She looks like heaven—if heaven was a filthy sin.

Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

I’m falling for my friend’s son. And it didn’t happen slowly. We collided like two stars moving in the same direction for longer than we knew. There was no changing course or avoiding it. I didn’t mean for it to happen. But there’s no going back now.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

Rules are going to be broken today, and I don’t even care anymore. We’re too far gone now.

Omg yes!!!

Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

The electricity between us is palpable. And my emotions are warring between heady lust and brutal jealousy. I want to hurt him and fuck his brains out at the same time. I have every intention of making this both bliss and agony.

Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

“I am not jealous because nothing will happen with her,” she says possessively, and I grin down at her.

“Yes, ma’am,” I reply.

“You’re mine, Beau Grant. Do you hear me?”

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

I learned that I love making Beau pay for his misbehavior. And I love the idea of taking care of him afterward.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

“I’m going to use you, Beau. In fact, when you’re here, you’re not Beau anymore. We are not friends or lovers or acquaintances. You are my property to do whatever I want with, and if you deserve it, I’ll punish you. It will hurt, and I’ll try to make sure you don’t enjoy it. But if you earn it, I’ll reward you, and I’ll make sure you do like it.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I whisper.

Can definitely tell I’m a sub when I read this and it gets me excited to be on the receiving end. 🔥 Also, I’m obsessed with Maggie and Beau!

Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

Maybe it’s because she’s so vocal or because she gives off this authoritative energy, but I’m suddenly so turned on by the idea of pleasing her. I’m dying to make her come again.


Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

I lower my mouth closer to hers. Before our lips touch, she slips out of my hold and spins me until it’s my back against the wall. With her hand pressing firmly on my chest, she stares up at me.

“That’s because you’re a brat, Beau.” She closes in, her breath landing against my lips.

“I can live with that,” I reply, just before taking her mouth in another harsh kiss. Our lips tangle as she hums again, latching her hand around the back of my neck. My cock throbs behind my jeans, and I grab her hips, grinding her against me, wanting her to feel what she’s doing to me.

“God, this is so bad,” she whimpers. And I get a thrill just from the way she tries to fight this decision.

“Can I touch you again?” I whisper against her neck. “I can’t stop thinking about your perfect little cunt.”

Fucking hell

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

“You shouldn’t have done that,” she says, and I’m already leaning back in again as I reply.

“Then punish me for it.”

again, not domme, but ahhh

Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

Closing the distance between us, I take her by the neck and crash our mouths together, slipping my tongue between her lips as she shoves against my chest. I don’t stop as we shuffle backward, and I slam the door behind me, pinning her against the wall the same way I did last night.

squeals I’m dying!

Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

Rule #11: If you’re not good with words, actions will do.

Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

Rule #9: Get into trouble as often as you can—trouble is half the fun.

Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

I’m not talking about a date. I’m talking about fucking. Just a hookup. You’ll be in control. You can tell me to do whatever you want. Use me. You want me to lick your pussy for two hours straight, I will. You want to strap me to your bed and ride my dick like a bicycle, you can.

I’m a sub 100% but this is hot 🫠

Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

I imagine you’re just as good looking as you think you are. You have no problem getting girls, but you do have a problem with finding satisfaction, which is why you’re on this app. I think you’ve been lied to by so much toxic masculinity in your short, sweet life that you believe real men have to be dominant, so you won’t let yourself accept the truth that you’re really submissive, and the idea of a woman taking control over you secretly turns you on.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

What started as me teasing him has turned into something else. A real conversation.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters

No matter what I do, it’s not enough, and I can’t keep anyone happy. And vice versa. No one holds my attention or makes me want to give them more.
