Coin of Indecision

Coin of Indecision How to Make Decisions Using Your Intuition

Sean Adams2013
This is not your typical self-help book with airy-fairy, unpractical ideas that won't help you succeed. No, this is all about helping you make the RIGHT decisions! The decisions that are best for YOU! Soon, you'll easily be making decisions that are in alignment with who you are at your most basic and core self. Coin of Indecision will help you: -Get to know yourself better -Get rid of the worry and stress of decision making -Put yourself first in the decision making process -Learn to live your passion -Be okay with where you are currently -Learn to take action-any action -Stop letting fear rule your decision making process -Create the reality you know you want and deserve When you use the tools included in the Coin of Indecision, you'll make choices faster, easier and in alignment with what is most important to you.
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