
Deranged and fascinating

I loved the format, the concept, the narrative, and the ending. Sick and raw as always, worth the reading.

oh chuck, what a sick and twisted little mind you have (very slowly inching my way through the entirety of his work)

DNF cuz it sucks and shouldn’t have ever been written. that’s how bad it is.


“Doing an all-male gay gang-bang movie is an act of resignation”, he says and waves one hand, his eyes sweeping over half the room. He says, “You and every man in here, no matter what you do up in that room, whether you tell Cassie Wright you love her, or you fuck her, or you do both – don’t expect you’ll ever get confirmed to sit on the Supreme Court.”
Wouldn’t be so sure of that anymore…

The religious school she went to, growing up, Ms. Wright Said how all the girls had to wears a scarf tied to cover their ears at all times. Based on the biblical idea that the Virgin Mary became pregnant when the Holy Spirit whispered in her ear. The idea that ears were vaginas. That, hearing just one wrong idea, you lost your innocence. One detail too many and you’d be ruined. Overdosed on information.

Want to drag the bottom for every loser, every pervert with issues around intimacy, men completely unable to reveal themselves and terrified of rejection - you want a cross section of those bottom feeders - just run a couple newspaper ads seeking male performers for a gang-bang feature.

Right here: Branch Bacardi, star of The Da Vinci Load and To Drill a Mockingbird, The Postman Always Cums Twice and the first all-singing, all-dancing adult feature, Chitty Chitty Gang Bang.

One dude stood all afternoon at the buffet wearing just his boxers, licking the orange dust off barbecued potato chips. Next to him, a dude was scooping into the onion dip and licking the dip off the chip. The same soggy chip, scoop after scoop. Dudes have a million ways of peeing on what they claim as just their own.

Guy 137 says, "Love child." "That's a stretch," Mr. Bacardi says, "to call anything conceived during an all-leather backdoor dog-pile gangbang video a 'love child.' "