
I wish Antigone had acted out of family love and dignity, other than religious beliefs... But still she's one of my favourite heroines

First Ancient Greek play. It's remarkable how a text that was written so long ago can still resonate with people today.
I'm a bit sad that I knew the story and couln't experience it first through the text. But I'll read more Greek plays right away.


i read ajax and philoctetes and i don't think i'll read the others anytime soon, so i’m still marking this as finished. i had a blast reading these plays. ajax reminded me so much of kendall roy from succession and naoya zenin from jujutsu kaisen. lots of 'i am the eldest boy!' vibes from this guy. philoctetes made me way more emotional than i expected.. his exchange with neoptolemus was so sweet. except i hated the ending... not a fan of the 'listen to the gods and stick to the status quo' thing but i guess that's the point of these works, more or less. it made me feel like pholoctetes didn’t really get a good end to this story… but i am not really familiar with the myth beyond what’s in these plays so who knows. maybe i'll read the rest of this over the summer? i do really love these greek plays...

Reading this gave me a headache.

I didn't actually read this translation but rather one by Ian Johnston. It was OK. Still trying to make sense of it in historical context.

Haven't read Electra from this collection,I think there is Anne Carson's version, which I will read. Even after thousands of years, the stories are still great, and appropriately bleak.

Not my favourite translation but very easy to read

Play is very easy to follow and has a lot of recurring themes. Interesting take on the idea of obsession because it is the obsession of the truth rather than in a romantic sense. Enjoyed the idea of double meanings from the characters to what occurs. Very interesting play and entertaining

Disclaimer: I read the Graphic Novel Antigone by Olivia Vieweg based on the work of Sophokles

Read for a philosophy class in college my first year--a useful and affordable collection.

Really interesting to think about what it means to speak truth to power, divine vs human law, role of women in Greek society

don't judge i had to read this for my literature class but it's is SO GOOD i loved it

i think this is my first time reading a greek play and doesn't get headache because of the language. it was hilarious and still very sad. honestly i don't know much about the play but antigone *chef's kiss* might check the other plays and other translated works of anne carson and other translations of the play later.

** spoiler alert ** I read this book for school, and enjoyed it a lot more than I thought i would, I actually felt pretty confident on my essay about it too! I’d add that here but it was written…

i, too, think my life is going great only to get everything fucking destroyed in like 5 secs

creon does know that the play is called “antigone” and not “creon”... right?

Of course, it may be the Greco-Roman mythology geek in me speaking, or perhaps the Latin student, but...I actually really liked this play! It came as a pleasant surprise, too; I thought it was going to be another play where I would have to grind my teeth and look past paragraphs upon paragraphs of angsty repartee while hating the main character(s). Sophocles is brilliant. Loved this one, and I look forward to reading the other two. I'd already read plenty of versions (watered-down) of the Oedipus tragedy, but the ending makes me go "wtfWTFWTFWTFWTFWTFWTF" every time. Plot stuff aside, I also like the way Sophocles takes time to question basic human instinct. But kudos to Sophocles for taking a really, really fucked up Greek myth and making it into something stomachable while keeping the whole "live-action play" theme in mind.

????????? i have no words i am just. my thoughts are summed up in this set of comparison and why it's so effective in making me just wanna weep. ANTIGONE: But leave me to my own absurdity, leave me to suffer this—dreadful thing. I will suffer nothing as great as death without glory. / TIRESIAS (to CREON): ...Stubbornness brands you for stupidity—pride is a crime. No, yield to the dead! Never stab the fighter when he's down. Where's the glory, killing the dead twice over? p.s. haemon is bae and i'm so sad that he died. rip to the most decent guy in this play

A Tragédia. Segundo Sófocles, Aristóteles, Shakespeare, e Freud.

** spoiler alert ** It was a great read, but some aspects about it were a bit disturbing.

the ending....was devastating It is not called tragedy for nothing. Creon got what he deserved though, we know who is the real hero of the story.


******3.5******** overall I really liked the play but I'm still very uncomfortable about the incest between mother and son. And I also felt like the ending was pretty rushed. I was able to sympathize with Oedipus. It was alright for required reading.