
Laura Mauler@blueskygreenstrees
The only Kinsey Millhone mystery I did not enjoy. Maybe I should give it another shot....

I liked the originality of the story. Each installment is a new idea and doesn't follow a painfully apparent cookie cutter format. I like kinsey and wish we had more characters like her.

Daryl Houston@dllh
Maybe I'm just getting tired of the character (I've read four of these over the last few months), but this one was just very meh for me. At least it was a quick read.

Victoria Grace@victoria87

Sarah Sammis@pussreboots

Sonia Grgas@sg911911

Jennifer Kennedy@jakennedy

Fran Lewis@franlewis

Jessica Deaner@jess1rph

Mary Baldwin@mapetiteliseuse

Jill Swan@jswan

Michelle Boyea@caffeinatedbibliophile

Sunelle Chamberlain@sunelle