Sun Tzu's The Art of War Bilingual Edition Complete Chinese and English Text
Sun Tzu's The Art of War has been the premier manual of Chinese military strategy for the past two millennia and, as thousands of Asian businessmen can attest, this classic work is as applicable to the corporate world as it is to the battlefield. This is the only contemporary edition of the classic Lionel Giles translation to contain all of the translator's original notes, to help you better understand Sun Tzu's powerful maxims and apply them in your daily life. John Minford's foreword brings insights to this classic text and its timeless relevance to the modern world. BILINGUAL EDITION: COMPLETE CHINESE AND ENGLISH TEXT This edition also marks the first time Giles' translation has been converted to Hanyu Pinyin—the standard Chinese romanization system. Additionally, the book contains the full Chinese language version of the text, along with Giles' extensive notes, with their original Chinese text references to the historical Chinese commentators, making this edition a treasure to military scholars, martial artists, and those planning to use Sun Tzu's strategies to conquer the business world. Sun Tzu's book will arm you with the knowledge that has allowed those who have studied this classic to gain victory—and often, total domination—over those who remain ignorant of its sage advice.
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