Myths & Legends of the Celtic Race

Myths & Legends of the Celtic Race

Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race by T.W. Rolleston is about a variety of myths about a group of people now considered the Bretons, the Cornish, the Irish, the Manx, the Scots, and the Welsh. Excerpt: "CHAPTER I: THE CELTS IN ANCIENT HISTORY . . . 7 CHAPTER II: THE RELIGION OF THE CELTS . . . . 36 CHAPTER III: THE IRISH INVASION MYTHS . . . . . 75 CHAPTER IV: THE EARLY MILESIAN KINGS . . . . 120 CHAPTER V: TALES OF THE ULTONIAN CYCLE . . 148 CHAPTER VI: TALES OF THE OSSIANIC CYCLE . . . 215 CHAPTER VII: THE VOYAGE OF MAELDUN . . . . . 265 CHAPTER VIII: MYTHS AND TALES OF THE CYMRY 284."
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