The Art of Noticing 131 Ways to Spark Creativity, Find Inspiration, and Discover Joy in the Everyday
"A handsome, beautifully produced compilation of meditations and exercises to inspire us to find joy and expand the ways we engage with the people and places, the objects and tasks we encounter in our everyday lives"--

Amit Gawande@amit
I had to give up on the book after a point. Sure, all the points might be valid and useful. But they are presented as more of an exercise - a page describing how and what to see or listen to is not something I enjoy reading. I cannot memorize what the book "teaches" me or carry it along with me everywhere I go.

Jack Baty@jackbaty
Some great ideas here to help with inspiring creativity. Quite a few also that felt too similar to others. Good skimming, though.

J Kadow@jkkadow

Guy Schmidt@guy

Alla Dumnych@doomnitch

William Buller@tuttifruttikid

Keith Harrison@keith

Robert Hinchcliffe@hinchcliffe


Douglas E. Welch@douglaswelch

Xavier Roy@xavierroy

Luke Leighfield@lukeleighfield

Joshua Line@fictionjunky

Steve Barnett@maxbarners