The Ascent of Money A Financial History of the World
Chronicles the evolution of finance from its origins in Mesopotamia to the modern world's most recent upheavals, covering such topics as the stock market bubble that prompted the French Revolution and the theories behind common investment vehicles.
Keven Wang@kevenwang
Ben Radford@ben_radford
Luke Kanies@lak
Jeni Enjaian@jenienjaian
K. Mike Merrill@kmikeym
Sebastian Leck@sebastianleck
D VA@pneumatic
Jayme Cochrane@jamesco
Coleman McCormick@coleman
Róbert Istók@robertistok
Srinivasan Tatachari@srinitata
Siddharth Ramakrishnan@siddharthvader
Dean Sas@dsas
Mundy Otto Reimer@mundyreimer
Ellen Chisa@ellenchisa
Zane Shannon@zcs
julia Spoerry@jspo
Matthew Zabel@mzabel
Reidar Hagtvedt@hagtvedt
Elliot Baker@elliotbaker
J D@kdomasik