The Box How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger

Maybe one of the most “guys’” or “dads’” books I’ve ever read. A history of intermodal shipping, dockers (unionized dock workers), and the growth of intermodal container shipping, as it says on the cover flap. It felt like this could have been approximately half as long! I learned some fun factoids but I can’t call this a very stimulating or engaging book. He definitely went deep, all credit to the research phase, but information alone doesn’t, in my view, make a great book. I applaud the effort.

Got too into the details which is good if you're reading this closely to understand all the details of containerization but as someone just trying to follow along the history and major turning points and effects, it led to very boring parts. Cool parts of labour unions and Malcolm Mclean's story were great though.

Fascinating read. Tons of amazing tidbits At times it felt a bit boring and read like a history book but would then throw in a great anecdote to make up for that. Incredible to see how similar the innovation behind containers relates to technology today