The Culture Code The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups
"Coyle spent three years researching the question of what makes a successful group tick, visiting some of the world's most productive groups--including Pixar, Navy SEALs, Zappos, IDEO, and the San Antonio Spurs. Coyle discovered that high-performing groups ... generate three key messages that enable them to excel: 1. Safety (we are connected), 2. Shared risk (we are vulnerable together), 3. Purpose (we are part of the same story)"--

matej yangwao@yangwao

Julien Sobczak@julien-sobczak

Julien Sobczak@julien-sobczak

Jowanza Joseph@josep2

Janna Niemi@allandanybooks

Nelson Zagalo@nzagalo

Nelson Zagalo@nzagalo

JoĂŁo Maia@joaomaia

Nadine @intlnadine

Omar Fernandez@omareduardo


Claire Taylor@clairetaylor

Kirsten Haney@khaney93

Tobias SutterlĂŒty@supperluety

Jesper van Haaren@jesper


Mat Connor@mconnor

Stef Hite@stefhite

Andrea Mack@wisdomcheck

Tony McCollum@tmack


Martin Heuer@maddin

Daniel Figueiredo@obio

Taya Reznichenko@phillimore

Jesper van Haaren@jesper