
Alisha @theawardshow
Wonderful. I especially loved essays by Rachel, Kiese, Garnette & Edwidge.

Ellie Younger@ellierose2000
This series of essays was often difficult to read, but the stories have to be told, and I have to listen. This is an important collection that shed light to many things that I- as a white person, have not experienced. I learned more about the tragedies of this world as I read beautiful essays, letters and poems. It is so important to educate ourselves on injustice and then work to make change!!!

This sure is an important book to read. I would recommend reading The Fire Next Time first, because it allows for an interesting compare and —appallingly little— contrast exercise between the 60s and now.

erin alise @thehollowvalley

Megan Parrott@meganparrott

kayla @kayellng



Jonathan Grunert@jgrunert


Jacob Mishook@jmishook

Brad Mitchell@ameritoon

Amy Maddess@amymaddess

Mallory Foutch@malloryfoutch


Summer Stanley@sgs

Olivia Bollar@itslivbee

Ashley Hollis@ashpaige

Beck Krystal@twistedreader

Andrea Henderson@arhenderson5

Ezra Alie@ezraa
