The Girl You Left Behind

Unexpectantly more layered book that my previous reads by Moyes. I can now see that this is from WW1 (I'm shit at reading the dates), but I definitely thought it could be from/during WW2 too. The object of interest is the painting The Girl You Left Behind. In 1917 with Sophie Lefevre, and 2006 with Liv Halston. What happened to the painting, and how did it go from Sophie in 1917 to Liv in 2006? The object's story is masterly masked in WW1, and unravels as Liv experiences the consequences that follows arts that have an unclear and/or unknown provenance.

Loved this twin narrative of WWI and modern day life and the painting that connects them. Jojo Moyes creates a compelling mystery while evoking the full gamete of emotions. Read it in 2 days.


I really liked the story of the book, specially that we get to read about the other side of a 'stolen' painting. I can truly imagine that there are a lot of people who hang in their pictures because they share a common history but we only get to read about injustive we often are not linked to them any way.

The best part for me was a story line about Sophie and Eduoard during WWI. The events kept me on the edge of my seat almost all the time. The struggles of a women forced to live during occupation were represented realistically and it was interesting to see what people can do to stay alive and protect the loved ones. Also I loved authors choice of connecting two women in two different times periods through a painting, that was painted by Sophies husband Eduoard. And that brings me to a modern day story line about Liv and Paul in which I was a little bit disappointed. I don't say there were something wrong about it, simply for me it dragged too long and wasn't that interesting and gripping. Talking about the characters I loved Sophie, because she was so strong and brave. Of course she made mistakes, but wasn't afraid to admit it. However Liv, contrary to Sophie, was like a teenager. She just couldn't stop whining about everything that was happening around her and always had to be right, also at some points of the story she looked even paranoid and irrational. In conclusion I recommend giving this book a chance.


I could paint you every day of my life.

This was the story of our lives: minor insurrections, tiny victories, a brief chance to ridicule our oppressors, little floating vessels of hope amid a great sea of uncertainty, deprivation and fear.