The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree

'Once there was a tree...and she loved a little boy.' So begins a story of unforgettable perception, beautifully written and illustrated by the gifted and versatile Shel Silverstein. Every day the boy would come to the tree to eat her apples, swing from her branches, or slide down her trunk...and the tree was happy. But as the boy grew older he began to want more from the tree, and the tree gave and gave and gave. This is a tender story, touched with sadness, aglow with consolation. Shel Silverstein has created a moving parable for readers of all ages that offers an affecting interpretation of the gift of giving and a serene acceptance of another's capacity to love in return. Ages 10+
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Photo of nor
5 stars
Dec 23, 2024

ironic(?) sweet yet destructive

Photo of ella
5 stars
Feb 25, 2024

the tree was so happy in giving. she kept on giving and giving because that's what makes her happy. the boy and the tree were lucky they had each other until the end. though what the boys did was just taking and taking, the tree was still happy and lived the boy. she kept on giving the boy whatever she could give. what a heartfelt story.

Photo of Annika Arguemore
Annika Arguemore@arguemore
4 stars
Jan 14, 2024

just one of those stories that'd stick with you for a lifetime.

Photo of becky oh
becky oh@olivepages
4 stars
Aug 18, 2023

“Once there was a tree, and she loved a little boy.”

Photo of Charlsy Sekyere
Charlsy Sekyere@charlsy_s
3 stars
Jun 30, 2023

⭐️3 As part of my attempt to read more from my Goodreads TBR, I chose one of the shortest books. Although I didn't read the children's book when I was a child, nor do I hold any sentimental attachment to it, I was still interested in reading this picture book because of the book's impact and the controversy surrounding its interpretations of Shel Silverstein's work (which I consider one of the reasons the book is so great). Despite being a children's book, the writing and illustrations in this picture book were well done. Also, although this picture book is intended for children, thus the writing style, this picture book's topic/s or moral is universal for all ages, since it can be interpreted in multiple ways, from viewing the relationship between the tree and the boy as a positive and selfless one (similar to one of a child and a mother, or a religious figure and a follower) to viewing it as a negative one (e.g., viewing the relationship of the boy and the tree as abusive and one-sided).

Photo of Mythos
4 stars
May 21, 2023

It's a great book to show to your friends on what happens to them when they don't set boundaries.

Photo of Krystyna
Krystyna @adoseofcozy
5 stars
May 15, 2023

This book was one of my favorites as a kid. It is such a beautiful, heartbreaking book. It is a children's book and it is short but it packs such a big punch. I think that it is a timeless children's classic and if you haven't read it, you should. Anyone, at any age, could enjoy this book. It has such a deep meaning within the few words/pages that it contains. People need to appreciate what they have and know that relationships, any type of relationship, are give and take. It shouldn't just be one-sided. But, the people who truly love you will sacrifice whatever they can for you, which is shown in this book. They can sacrifice so much for you that they are left with nothing. This book is such a great read; I highly recommend it. I love that even though it is a children's book, that was originally published in 1964, it still holds a very relevant lesson. It really makes you think about what you're taking and contributing to your "Giving Tree." It is a beautiful, heartbreaking story that everyone should read. It packs such an impact with so few words. Definitely recommend.

Photo of David Barreda
David Barreda@inkaman
5 stars
May 12, 2023

A book grown-ups should take more time to read.

Photo of Rana Saleh
Rana Saleh@ranasaleh
4 stars
Apr 7, 2023

How sad!

Photo of Arturo Hernández
Arturo Hernández@artthh
5 stars
Jan 3, 2023

A really short story about parenthood and its consequences. Perhaps too deep for a child, but it will definitely point out a different perspective for parents.

Photo of Nicole Sonja
Nicole Sonja@nicolesonja
5 stars
Dec 10, 2022

A very sad and powerful story. I loved it very much. Definitely something I would like my children to read!

Photo of Nelson Zagalo
Nelson Zagalo@nzagalo
5 stars
Sep 3, 2022

Uma história magnífica sobre a nossa relação com o planeta que habitamos, contado às crianças mas relevante para todos. Mas talvez a maior riqueza do texto seja a capacidade que tem de nos fazer refletir, pelo modo como conduz cada leitor a plasmar sobre a relação entre a criança e a árvore um conjunto de relações humanas da sua experiência e daí retirar leituras e interpretações, positivas e negativas. O livro foi transformado em animação e pode ser vista em várias versões no YouTube, uma dela com o texto lido pelo próprio Shell Silverstein.

Photo of Emilia Evans
Emilia Evans@anna-emilia
5 stars
Aug 28, 2022

My favorite book from when I was a child!

Photo of Nadia Serrano
Nadia Serrano@nadiasbel
5 stars
Aug 25, 2022

My intro to lit professor literally read me this book.

Photo of mighty dragon
mighty dragon @naga
4 stars
Aug 13, 2022

Well... that's... well.

Photo of Callie Anna
Callie Anna@callieanna
5 stars
Aug 12, 2022

This is a wonderful story. It is so perceptive and beautiful. I think every child and adult should read this.

Photo of Allison Garrett
Allison Garrett@bookish_insomniac
4 stars
Jul 24, 2022

not sure when I read this, so set for today

Photo of Maria🥂
5 stars
Apr 5, 2022

A very heartwarming story

Photo of Brad Mitchell
Brad Mitchell@ameritoon
5 stars
Mar 26, 2022

Perfect example of a Mother-Son/Child relationship. Mirrors mine completely.

Photo of Valentina dossi
Valentina dossi@valedsf
5 stars
Mar 6, 2022

I cried

Photo of Shayleta
3 stars
Mar 1, 2022

I just love Shel Silverstein!

Photo of Ana V.
Ana V. @nobadbooks
5 stars
Feb 27, 2022

Wonderful It will be always one of my favorite classics. Love the simplicity of the message and illustrations. For all ages

Photo of Eleanor Luhar
Eleanor Luhar@bookmarked642
4 stars
Feb 2, 2022

I recently had a go at reading Shel Silverstein's A Light in the Attic which was lovely (even if I am a little too old for these books now), and now I've read his The Giving Tree. There's not that much I can say about this book as it is only 60-odd pages, but I did find it super sweet. Even at 16, I kind of enjoyed reading this short, childishly simple book... It tells the unusual tale of love between a boy and an apple tree while the boy grows up and the tree gives everything she has to keep him happy. I thought it was just so cute! If you have any young family members, I would definitely recommend reading this book with them. I might have to give this 4 stars...

Photo of Mayra Melo
Mayra Melo@mayramelo
1 star
Dec 10, 2021

I just have to agree with the negative reviews here on Goodreads. It's disturbing to conceive a love so destructive. I don't get why people find this book so sweet.