The Long Way Down

Ahh the famous Daniel Faust, reading this has been a long time coming like a loooongg time coming, and after reading this, it's not like i was disappointed but i wasn't as blown away as i thought i was. My main issues with this book was ironically Faust's character, how to spot magic and the romance in the book. For Faust, i really had a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that this dude was a full grown adult. I don't know why but for the most part i just found his decision making process coming off like a young adult rather than an adult who recognises the pitfalls of his profession. but hey maybe that's for the thrill of the action. Also does he do anything apart from throw cards when he's in trouble? Like does he not know any other kind of magic thing? Secondly the romance.. See.. i'm anti romance in this kind of books, if the book isn't romance i don't get why romance should be a huge part of the book, to make matters worse it happened so fast like smut fast in my opinion, the flirting was so cheesy i was like Lord please make it stop...Also there's this part where Caitlin is stitching up Faust's arm and they start having sex as she's stitching up his arm. I get that she's a demon and she's probably bad ass and can do like a shit load of stuff but i don't understand how you can properly stitch someone's arm and have sex at the same time. Then the magic ish... Guys why the heck were they always looking from the corner of their eye..You want to spot something magic look out from the corner of your eye. All the freaking time. Isn't that uncomfortable? All the time.. I also felt at the start that there were a lot of story archs put in just for the sake of it but they all tied in at the end so i guess that's a good part :) . Overall not a bad book and i am curious to find out the continuation of the story. Hopefully there's less cringey romance in the upcoming books.