The Lost Future of Pepperharrow

Don’t look at me

Omg wow!! This is definitely my favourite Natasha Pulley book that I've read to date and I'm still reeling over how beautifully everything came together in the end. Her writing style is so distinctive and the description of the cultural backdrop is very lush + very throughly researched. I also found the characters pretty likeable and I could empathise with their struggles (the specifics will be elaborated once I update this with a full length review - I have a lot of thoughts and this is definitely one of those books where I would be thinking about in the coming months). N.B. A full review of this book will be completed in due course. (4.5 stars out of 5)

I adored this book! Thaniel and Mori are precious and I would protect them with my life. Thaniel especially made my heart break numerous times during this book and I literally wanted to hug him. Words cannot express how much I truly enjoyed reading this.

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