
There is little I love more than a good Shakespearean adaptation, and Lily Anderson's take on Much Ado does not disappoint. (Honestly, the fact that I literally sat down two hours ago to read another chapter and then ended up reading the next 270 or so pages until I'd finished the whole thing is probably an indication of how much I enjoyed it.) I wasn't sure how a first person POV would work--Much Ado depends so much on various POV, being a comedy of errors, if you will--but while knowing the basic outline was helpful and definitely made some scenes more amusing, it's not necessary. Anderson has created a geek-filled rendition of my favorite Shakespearean couple. The geekery did sometimes felt a bit excessive (as opposed to Sarah Kuhn's Heroine Complex, wherein the geekery always felt very natural). Other than that, though--well, banter is in full force at all times, and what else could one ask for when reading about Beatrice and Ben?

I was quite a bit disappointed with this one.

4.5 stars Cover **** This cover lends so much to the characters in this book. They are total comic nerds. Okay actually they're just nerds in general but I love that the cover brings that out right from the beginning. Characters **** This friend group has my heart! There are so many oddball's in this group and I just loved them all so much. I mean there were times where a character would get on my nerves and I'd want to reach through the book and punch them but I feel that way about my real friends sometimes sooooooo. This book is a hardcore enemies to lovers trope and I am HERE FOR IT. I will say that while the characters did act old for their age, I felt like the addition of them all basically being super genius's in this high-pressure private school gave some insight to that so I was able to overlook it. Pace ***** I started reading this around 11 pm and could NOT PUT IT DOWN. I ended up finishing around 5 am. Guys, I'm old. I should not be staying up all night reading. It was SOOO GOOD. I really don't think there was a decent place to stop. There was just always so much going on. I wasn't having a "one more chapter" night, it was an "I'm going to read until I can't anymore" kind of night. Plot **** This plot threw me for a loop! I was not expecting it to go where it did. Not only is there a mystery aspect to it, but there's also a big reveal in the final chapter that I just had not expected. There was so much good in here that I just can't even begin to explain. Honestly, with the big reveal, I really want to go back and re-read this and see what other things I can pick up on with another read through. Writing ***** Lily's writing was superb! I loved every minute of it. One of my favorite things about this book is how different the members of the friend group are and yet they still work together somehow. I love the intellect of kids (Meg's twisted mind in particular) and just how everything came together. Enjoyment ***** LOVED IT. With all of the nerd/comic references, this book just read like a giant love-letter to fandom and intelligence. There was so much to enjoy about this book and that's probably one of the reasons why I couldn't put it down. No cry bonus. Overall HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!! I loved this so, so much. I can't wait to read the next Anderson backlog book on my shelves. Another one like this and she'll solidify a place in my favorite author category!

A cute take on Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, switching out the infidelity plot for a more realistic cheating scandal. Trixie and Ben's enemies to lovers story is super endearing, but not overly saccharine, and the strong female friendships in the story are great. A fun summer read.

Five frakking stars and an A for this gorgeous novel. This book is one of the best contemporaries I've read this year, and a fucking brilliant retelling of Much Ado, which is one of my favourite Shakespeare plays. When you add fandoms, sarcasm and a wonderfully captivating plot to the mix, you've got yourself a fucking masterpiece of a novel. Ben & Trixie gave me life. Their snarky comments, their sarcastic dialogues, the gradual progress of their love story, everything was perfect. I half wish I hadn't finished it so I could read it for the first time again. The way the retelling incorporated the original was so good, I'm really impressed. From Doctor Who to Marvel to Harry Potter, this book will remain my fandom love. FIVE FRAKKING STARS, YOU HEAR ME?

hello, Shakespeare and Doctor Who? I don't need anything more in life. Beautiful.