The Power of Full Engagement Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal
A personal energy training program outlines strategies on how to prevent burnout and improve productivity, discussing such areas as how to work with four key sources of energy, balancing stress and recovery, expanding capacity, and implementing positive routines. Reprint. 60,000 first printing.
Keven Wang@kevenwang
Viet @viet
Marcie Jones@appsbymarcie
Tony McCollum@tmack
Duality Diva@dualitydiva
Sergei Khudovekov@khudovekov
Róbert Istók@robertistok
Alistair James@amj2264
Louie Dinh@ld
Felix Jamestin@felixjamestin
Robin Peek@robinpeek
Alberto Cabas Vidani@albertocv
Kevin S Perrine@kevinsperrine
Christian Rotzoll@rtzll
Wojciech Waśniewski@Wojciech
Rui Zhi Dong@rid243