The Rest Is Noise Listening to the Twentieth Century
The scandal over modern music has not died--while paintings by Picasso and Pollock sell for millions of dollars, works from Stravinsky's Rite of Spring onward still send ripples of unease through audiences. Yet the influence of modern music can be felt ev

Andrew Louis@hyfen
Like a lot of history books that drift too close to the present, the last chapter is a low-context list of names and ideas that probably could use another decade or two of digestion. Otherwise, a fantastic history book!

Luis González@luiswall


Joshua Line@fictionjunky

Maurice FitzGerald@soraxtm



Ivan Shiel@barkingstars

Marius Masalar@marius

Bassel Katamish@basselkatamish

Arnav Shah@arnavshah

Ryan Nylander@stayinghydrated