The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 2)
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The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 2)

Rick Riordan2021
Demi-god Percy Jackson and his friends must journey into the Sea of Monsters to save their camp. But first Percy will discover a secret that makes him wonder whether being claimed as Poseidon's son is an honor or a cruel joke.
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Photo of mikki

Another fun read, yay! Excited to see how it goes in book 3 lol.

Photo of **✿❀ Gray ❀✿**
**✿❀ Gray ❀✿**@cupid_cutie
4 stars
Feb 20, 2025


(The scene with annabeth and where the sirens are there. It made me cry. WHY?)

Photo of ang
ang @angslibraryy
3 stars
Jul 29, 2024

#savehalfbloodkids anyway THE END ?!! ANNABETH AND PERCY ?????? EVERYTHING ?????

Photo of ang
ang @angslibraryy
4 stars
Jul 29, 2024

that was even better than the first time i read it

Photo of ploral
4 stars
Jul 1, 2024

I loved the series so much

Photo of Ashley Denktas
Ashley Denktas@foxface
3 stars
Jul 1, 2024

I enjoyed this book a bit more than the first one, but again did feel like they did spell out major things for each event in the book. But I know this is a kids book - so again enjoyed for what it was!

Photo of melanie
4.5 stars
Jun 27, 2024

chaotic mess loved it though

Photo of Ditipriya Acharya
Ditipriya Acharya@diti
3 stars
May 31, 2024

** spoiler alert ** For a book that is aimed at a much younger audience than me, I found it really funny. The situations and characters in this book are hilariously strange and Rick Riordan’s way of merging Greek mythology with the modern world made me laugh out loud in several places. I mean C.C’s spa, Percy not realising that Tyson is a Cyclops because he doesn’t look him in his face and Monster Doughnuts.... why weren’t these books out when I was 11-12?

Photo of Jordan
4 stars
May 28, 2024


Photo of Ellie M.
Ellie M.@arthieshelved
4 stars
May 5, 2024

For some reason, this book was subtly boring than the rest of the books in the series. It took me a longer time to read it.

Photo of Nanthanat Chompradist
Nanthanat Chompradist@kkwannntn
5 stars
Apr 24, 2024

I was totally hooked from beginning to end. This book has no boring bits. Super enjoyable read👏🏻 (I want to give Tyson a big big hug. He is such a baby🤏🏻👼🏻)

Photo of kait
4 stars
Apr 14, 2024

After reading this, I felt like I liked it more than the first book honestly. This book was, again, lighthearted, action-packed, and super nostalgic. I did not read this one when I was a kid but I definitely wish I would have because I think that it would have set me up to read so many more books as a child. In this one, we are introduced to Tyson and we are on a mission to save Grover on his quest to find Pan. This book is set mostly in the ocean and on cliff sides as Percy, Annabeth, and a couple others attempt to navigate the treacherous waters and the gods along the way. Definitely read this book as it is a great continuation of the first and will set you up for a long-term investment in the series.

Photo of sienna layton
sienna layton@siennalayton
5 stars
Apr 13, 2024


Photo of karo
4 stars
Apr 13, 2024

Im just rereading the whole series due to the disney show, Percy Jackson will always be a masterpiece to me. Uncle Ricks writing is just top tier 🤌🏻 Even if im a whole ass adult now, the books never disappoint and are as entertaining as ever.

Photo of Luke Harkness
Luke Harkness@lukesblog1
4 stars
Apr 4, 2024

Non-stop action No doubt this is quite an entertaining book - there's a rollercoaster of constant action and I've got a lot of time for the ancient Greek mythology. However, it is very simple and doesn't feel quite as re-read able as the Harry Potter's as an adult.

Photo of Sarah Sammis
Sarah Sammis@pussreboots
4 stars
Apr 4, 2024

The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan is a retelling of the Odyssey and continues the story arc begun in The Lightning Thief. This time Clarissa is sent on the official Camp Half Blood quest but Percy and his friends though have their own agenda, namely to save Grover. I'm going to let you in on a secret. My favorite character isn't Percy or any of the other Camp Half Blood heroes. Nope. My favorite character who shows up in The Sea of Monsters for the first time is Tyson, the young cyclops. Tyson brings humanity to the other side of the Gods' infidelities. Gods have children who are gods, demigods and (yes) monsters. The Gods aren't fair or just parents; they show favoritism and they ignore others. Tyson like most monsters is cast aside, growing up on the fringes of human society. He's a rare one though in that he gets a second chance, being befriended by Percy and therefore brought into favor with Poseidon. The book begins with Percy and Tyson being friends. Percy's aware that Tyson isn't quite normal but he figures it's because he's a homeless kid and just hasn't had the same support other kids have had. Later, of course, he has to rethink the friendship when he learns that Tyson is a very young cyclops and therefore a monster and a half brother. Two factors made me love Tyson from the get-go. The first is his eager, toddler approach to things. From how he acts he seems about the same age (or cyclops equivalent) as my daughter. So there's a motherly connection. My second bonding point comes from Percy's sudden realization that he's a big brother. I was only child until I was seven. My brother was born three weeks before my birthday. So that birthday just felt ruined by everyone cooing over the baby. It took a long time for me to adjust to being a sister and to finally warm to and ultimately love my sibling.

Photo of Christine
4 stars
Apr 2, 2024


Photo of yaya
5 stars
Mar 27, 2024

five stars for tyson and … that ending gagged me!!!

Photo of river
4 stars
Mar 16, 2024

tyson is everything to me.

Photo of Daizo
Daizo @meizomeizo
3.5 stars
Mar 11, 2024

“Brace Yourself”

ladies, Mr. Riordan, did it again, but ngl I found it a little bit dull at some points, and sometimes I had to force myself to keep on reading, I can’t explain why that happened, but I didn’t feel like i did with the first book but anyway it was still a banger !!!

I can’t describe how much I love Percy, he’s just THAT guy, I want to put him inside a jar and shake it really hard <333 and omg Tyson, he made me cry a lot and i can’t wait to read the next one <3

Photo of Ana Luiza
Ana Luiza@anaelin
4 stars
Mar 1, 2024

passei o livro inteiro com medo do tyson morrer mas ele tá vivo amém

Photo of Athiril Ard
Athiril Ard@blackbufff
4 stars
Feb 25, 2024

tulis sekarang aja deh, dari pada lupa entar kalo ditunda-tunda wkwk di awal-awal, jujur aja, boring banget bacanya. sempet kepikiran buat DNF aja deh. hampir setengah buku lebih maksa buat terus baca dan terus nahh, di setengah akhir ini, tapi kayanya pas bagian Polyme-pokoknya-monster-dajjal yang itu, baru deh keseruannya nongol penyelamatan Grover kerasa ngeri, merinding, tapi bikin ngakak. ga tau deh, Uncle Rick bener-bener kelewatan bisa nyampurin ketiga hal itu jadi satu. dan di ending, aku ngakak bagian Martha dan George mereka kopel yang soswit

Photo of Athiril Ard
Athiril Ard@blackbufff
5 stars
Feb 25, 2024

9/10 akhirnya nemu kopel terbaik yang non-manusia: George dan Martha wkwk

Photo of Ian Brakspear
Ian Brakspear@ibrakspear
4 stars
Feb 24, 2024

This is one of the reasons I love reading Series Back-to-back as it just means that I can keep the storylines and characters all in my head & really feel like I’m there with them on their quests and adventures, so this felt amazing to be right back with them! Once again, we are thrown right in to the action and adventure as it was time for the next quest for Percy and his Friends!


Set Some - time after the events of The Lighting Thief, Camp Half Blood protection spells starts waning to the point of almost breaking apart completely, leaving its borders wide open and unprotected from monster attacks. Upon the impending destruction of the only haven left for demigods, Percy, Annabeth, Tyson and Clarisse embark on a desperate quest to find the Golden Fleece, the only sacred relic capable of healing Thalia’s Tree and restore its defensive powers. On a separate plane, Grover missing and possibly subject of a fatal destiny. His time running short, or maybe already too late.


This one was a fab sequel, it was lovely to see Percy and Annabeth grow as characters and I feel like they have really connected in this one after working closely together, but across all the characters arcs in this one. However, this one felt a little slower than the first but still as action packed with epic memorable moments and incredible battles against mythological figures. The ending was spectacular, hilarious, crazy, and terrible. And an absolutely mind blowing cliff-hanger that makes me excited for Book 3!



Photo of Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃
Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃@cuntscapade

Tyson was terrified of them. All through the tour, he insisted Annabeth hold his hand, which she didn’t look too thrilled about.

Page 148

:( he's sooo pookie ughhh azloinfkerj

Photo of Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃
Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃@cuntscapade

"Hurry, Percy,” he muttered. “Please, please, please!”

Page 118

hmm... somebody listened to short and sweet!

Photo of Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃
Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃@cuntscapade

Sure, he was strong, but Tyson was a little kid in Cyclops terms, maybe seven or eight years old, mentally.

Page 109

ohhhh my shayla

Photo of Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃
Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃@cuntscapade

" can’t give up on your family, no matter how tempting they make it. It doesn’t matter if they hate you, or embarrass you, or simply don’t appreciate your genius for inventing the Internet."

Page 105

as doechii said in denial is a river, "mmm, nah fuck it."

Photo of Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃
Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃@cuntscapade

“It is okay. I will be a good monster. Then you will not have to be mad.”

Page 74

oh perseus and annabeth, i will fucking hurt you both if any of you hurt that little cyclops boy. istg.

Photo of Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃
Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃@cuntscapade

"... Until it proves worthy of destruction, we need a place to keep it!"

Page 67

hii soo can we maybe STOPPPP (and i mean permanently cease from) calling my tyson baby an it? thanks.

Photo of Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃
Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃@cuntscapade

With that, he clopped out of the apartment and down the hall, Tyson calling after him, “Pony! Don’t go!”

Page 59

i love him sm. i'd die for him :(

Photo of Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃
Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃@cuntscapade

As soon as we saw him, Tyson froze. “Pony!” he cried in total rapture.

Chiron turned, looking offended. “I beg your pardon?”

Page 55

god he's sooo stinkin cute! rip tyson, you would've died for pink pony club by chappell roan

Photo of Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃
Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃@cuntscapade

"They grow up wild on the streets. I don’t know how this one found you, but he obviously likes you."

Page 51

that's sooo cute. god, i love tyson. they could never make me hate you baby

Photo of Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃
Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃@cuntscapade

The three gray ladies were too busy squabbling to pay me any


Page 39

i hate how every time i see the word "squabble" i think of kendrick and just go squabble up, mmm mm.

Photo of Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃
Tali 🧸ִֶָྀི𓂃@cuntscapade

Monsters don’t die. They just dissipate into smoke and dust, which saves heroes a lot of trouble cleaning up after a fight.

Page 26
Photo of Daizo
Daizo @meizomeizo

“ "I prayed to Daddy for help. Soon the people at Meriwether found me. Met you. Biggest blessing ever.

Sorry I said Poseidon was mean. He sent me a brother."”

Page 298


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Photo of Daizo
Daizo @meizomeizo

“"He sent you to help me. Just what I asked for."

I blinked. "You asked Poseidon for . . . me?"

"For a friend," ”

Page 298

you don’t understand!!! this hurts !!!

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Photo of Daizo
Daizo @meizomeizo

“The last thing I remembered was sinking in a burning sea, knowing that Tyson was gone forever, and wishing I were able to drown.”

Page 185

i was sobbing violently

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Photo of Daizo
Daizo @meizomeizo

“But whenever Annabeth talked about the time she’d spent with them, I kind of felt . . . I don’t know. Uncomfortable?

No. That’s not the word.

The word was jealous.”

Page 155

I love this side of him

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Photo of Daizo
Daizo @meizomeizo

“My mom hoped I would inherit Perseus’s luck. Judging by how my life was going so far, I wasn’t real optimistic.”

Page 125

oh Percy :0

Photo of Daizo
Daizo @meizomeizo

“Uh, I like Hercules.”


“Well . . . because he had rotten luck. Even worse than mine. It makes me feel better.”

Page 111

i mean, he’s right

Photo of Daizo
Daizo @meizomeizo

“Europa fell off and died along the way, but that’s not important.”

“It was probably important to her.”

Page 96

i can’t with them 😭😭😭

Photo of Daizo
Daizo @meizomeizo

“Any killing will result in harsh punishment. No s’mores at the campfire for a week! ”

Page 83

this guy is just so 💀💀💀

Photo of Daizo
Daizo @meizomeizo

“Now I know,” Tantalus continued, raising his voice, “that these races were discontinued some years ago due to, ah, technical problems.”

“Three deaths and twenty-six mutilations,” someone at the Apollo table called.”

Page 68

bro 😭😭😭

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Photo of Daizo
Daizo @meizomeizo

“The bull must’ve been as surprised as I was, because before it could unleash a second blast, Tyson balled his fists and slammed them into the bull’s face. “BAD COW!”

Page 47

Tyson is also funny ahhdhs

Photo of Daizo
Daizo @meizomeizo

“I was pretty much his only friend, which meant he was my only friend.”

Page 8


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Photo of Daizo
Daizo @meizomeizo

“They just dissipate into smoke and dust, which saves heroes a lot of trouble cleaning up after a fight.”

Page 19

same old Percy and his little silly jokes

Photo of SDG

He thinks I’m a lady Cyclops and he wants to marry me!

This book appears in the club Society of the Tortured Bussy

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